CS 4670 Project 4

Patrick Dear (pmd68), Peter Tseng (pht24)


Source Images

Our first image features the interior of Duffield hall, near the study alcoves. This image was taken from the BAC International site.

The image of Milstein hall was taken from an Architectural Record article about the building.

When constructing our VRML models, we tried to include as many surfaces as was possible, while still maintaining a reasonable level of quality in the texture maps. Below are screenshots of the surfaces we used.

Still Images of VRML Files

Some still images of our Duffield model are below:

Some still images of our Milstein model are below:

Texture Maps

Most of the texture maps generated for both models do a fairly good job of the representing the surfaces they are taken from.

Sample Duffield Textures
Left Area Right of Upper Stairs Ceiling Front Face Under Stairs

Sample Milstein Textures
Front of Overhang Road Stairs Underneath Overhang

However, the original images used for the floor of Duffield originally contained projections of the chairs and plants, which looked quite distorted. To correct for this, we did some very simple (and somewhat crude) alterations using GIMP.

Original and Final Duffield Floor Images

VRML Files

The VRML files for Duffield and Milstein halls are located here and here, respectively.