Peter Radecki (ppr27) and Lucas de la Garza (lxd4)

CS5670 HW4: Single View Modeling


Once we figured out how to use the new data structures and GUI for this project we were able to program the project. Most of our design choices were fairly straightforward and just a matter of filling out the appropriate cross products or least squares computations. For extra credit we implemented the numerical conditioning on the vanishing point calculation which helped when vanishing points were at infinity (i.e. very large pixel coordinates). Also we implemented the more accurate homography calculation by normalizing x and y cooordinates before estimating the homography h.

When developing the VRML files we ended up trying several images before finding ones that would work well. The user interface is pretty clugy to use for extended period of time because none of the keyboard menu shortcuts work, the enter key causes and endless loop if you try to click ok by hitting enter, and most images frankly have to too much distortion or no good way to generate reference points.
Primary Artifact

For our primary artifact we used a photo of the Quincy Copper Mine from Upper Michigan. Our artifact contains the original photo and a screenshot of the VRML rendering. Note: all images are clickable for their full resolution copies.

Here is a screenshot of creation of the model. The difficulty in creating this model was getting good x and y coordinates for the points. I ended up having to go in and manually adjust most of the x,y coordinates of the mine and small side building in order to get good looking 3d rendering. I think this was because the y vanishing point was really far out and the picture was taken parallel to the x,y plane and the buildings sit back from the camera such that it is hard to distinguish if x or y coordinates are causing the change in image coordinates when I click points with the mouse. Manually editing the x,y,z coordinates solved the problem well.

Original tga image
Model file
VRML (click the fit to screen button (bottom-rightmost button in Cortona) if initial screen is gray - model is just rotated off screen)

For our painting/sketch photo we used a screenshot of "temple of time" from one of Lucas' computer games.

Here is a screenshot of the original photo (left) and a screen shot of a close up of rhe final render (right). Note we did this before learning we could reuse points with Ctrl+click thus the polygons have slight gaps between them.

Original tga image
Model file

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