Karina and Scott's Project 4 - Single View Modeling

Artifact 1 - Cornell Boxes

For our first artifact we wanted to start with something simple and recognizable. We defined each of the corners of the room as simple unit lengths. We then computed our homography and vanishing points. After that we had enough information to define some points on the floor such as the corners of the boxes. Since these are all on the ground plane, we chose the nearest known corner of the room and used the sameZplane tool. For each corresponding corner at the top of each box, we used the sameXY tool.

Original Image

1st orientation of 3D model

2nd orientation of 3D model

Artifact 2 - Fancy Living room

We had tried to make some models of buildings with this project, but found it very difficult to troubleshoot problems with defining coordinates. None were as simple as the model of the Cornel Boxes. First we will show a picture of a somewhat reasonable model of a living room design we did simply using a method where we define an XZ plane across the back wall of a room and sweep the plane out to a cube. The sides of the cube are made into texture maps. As you can see it actually doesn't look as bad as one might think. I suppose this says a lot for how easily the mind is tricked into seeing depth.

Original Image

1st orientation of 3D model

2nd orientation of 3D model

Hall of Shame

Here are some models that didn't work out too well. We suspect it was the method of setting coordinates and perhaps also that there is not enough information about the scene in the photos to make a reasonable model.

Coca Cola building

Failed attempt at modeling the Coca Cola building

Faux painted room

Failed attempt at modeling the faux painted room