Single-View Modeling

CS5670 Introduction to Computer Vision

Brian Orecchio and Kevin Green

Image One
Image Two

Image One

For our first image, we tried to create a WRL model of a hallway from the Royal Palace in Madrid.
To do this, we created several different polygons, 1 floor polygon, 3 wall polygons, and 3 ceiling
polygons. While the final model was non quadrilateral, the ceiling did not look very consistent,
but would probably be modeled better with several smaller polygons.
Source Image

The first model generated in which the box used was outlined. All points were defined in 3D.

The second model generated in which the points on the ceiling used for the
polygons were defined in 3D.

The third model generated in which we have defined all the polygons for the model.

Texture image used for the back of the hall

Texture image of the far right ceiling polygon.

Image of final model zoomed out.

Image of final model from side.

Here is the link to the VMRL file.

Image Two

Our second model was created using a painting of a castle in the woods by Olha Pryymak from England. The model is based around the castle which is a hexagon and is the back wall of the 3D model.
Then, we modeled the sides such that the trees are around the viewer as they go into the painting towards the castle. The ground and the sky are the last two polygons. In all, this scene is modeled by 5 polygons.
Source Image URL

Original painting used to create model

Castle painting showing the points and lines that made up our 3D model.

Texture image used for the castle which is the back wall of the 3D model

Texture image of the left side of the model.

Image of final model from far away.

Image of final model viewed from the side.

Here is the link to the VMRL file.