CS4670 Project 4: Single-View Modeling

Ariel Schwartz (als364) - Alex Polesskiy (ap495)


We were unable to create an artifact, either with our code or the solution executable. In both cases, the produced .wrl file crashed the VRML viewer when opened, and crashed Blender when imported. In addition, due to an unknown problem that neither we nor the TA we consulted could find, our executable could not produce any textures (output was completely black textures).

Test Images:

Image 1: Morrill Hall (Source: original content)

SVM markup:

Using Sweep Rectangle tool:

Textures produced by solution executable:

VRML file (warning: will most likely crash the viewer).

Image 2: Non-quadrilateral quartz crystal (Source: Wikipedia)

SVM markup:

Using XZ Rectangle tool:

VRML file (warning: will most likely crash the viewer).