CS 4670 Project 3

Patrick Dear (pmd68), Peter Tseng (pht24)


As the Java image viewer applet seemed very buggy, unreliable, and outdated (it references Netscape 3 for crying out loud!), we chose to use Pannellum, a more modern image viewer.

In one instance we experienced the issue where Pannellum could not load the panoramas when this webpage is opened from the local filesystem, but worked when uploaded on a server. We have not reproduced the issue since, but in case things go awry, a known-working copy of this page will remain online at http://www.csuglab.cornell.edu/~pht24/cs4670/proj3web/ until grading is complete, for the sake of convenience.


We provide two 360-degree panoramas constructed with spherical warping and translations, plus two subsets of a panorama constructed with homographies and no warping.

The small versions of each image are links to larger versions.

UW Campus (provided) - spherical warping and translation

UW campus

Large version

Cornell Arts Quad - spherical warping and translation

Cornell Arts Quad

Large version

Cornell Arts Quad - homography

This subset includes two images:

Cornell Arts Quad

Large version

This subset includes three images:

Cornell Arts Quad

Large version

Here we already start to see problems. The picture including the A.D. White status extends the field of view of this partial panorama to around 90 degrees. Without spherical projection, this means the entire view cannot be seen in one image (some points begin to appear at infinity), and the approach breaks down.

Performance notes

This code does well in static images such as the UW campus. Although the Cornell Arts Quad image is mostly coherent, there are a few artifacts that are mostly likely explained by moving objects (students) changing positions between photos. Finally, as we've seen, spherical warping is necessary to produce an image with any large field of view.

Extra credit

Alas, we did not have time to implement any.