CS4670 Project 3

Ronnie Bunshaft (rlb282), Jie Ren (jr629)

Test Sequence

The following is the Test Sequence from test1

Here's a panorama for the testSequence

Our Hand-held sequence

The following is the Cornell's very own Schoellkopf Field:

Here's a panorama for our Handheld sequence

Non-Warped homography

As can be seen, this image is terrible. As the angle get larger than 90 degrees, there is major distortion.

Our project worked well for the most part. The bad cases came when we took series of pictures when there were there were not a lot of matching features between them. It seems that there are some very minor artifacts at the top of the images when our alpha blending decides to blend the actual images with the black "non-images." There is also distortion when the angle of an image is very large, making it possible to see "creases" in images.