Project 3: Panoramas

Panorama using spherical warp and translations:

Low res photo:



Link to high-res photo


Link to panorama viewer


Our own attempt at a panorama:


Our own attempt at a panorama- with SIFT!:



Panorama using homographies on unwarped images:


What can go wrong when using homographies on unwarped images:



What worked and what didn’t:

When we first started writing ComputeHomography, we attempted to choose the minimum nonzero eigenvalue to determine the row of V to use for our homography, but it turned out that this was not what we wanted.

If we actually have an eigenvalue of zero, this is much better than a nonzero eigenvalue because it means we managed to fit the points exactly. It was also unnecessarily computationally intensive since the Eigen library
already provided the columns in sorted order.