Project 3:  Autostitch

Changchen He(ch627)

Xiaobo Shen(xs83)




á     Our Testing  panorama result: (Full version:Link)


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Dropbox:Cornell:ComputerVision:Homework3:TestPano:TestPano 2.jpg



á     Our hand-held panorama result:(Full version: Link)

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Dropbox:Cornell:ComputerVision:Homework3:hand-hold:hand-held.jpg


á     The panorama by homographies.

After several tests, we found the maximum number of photos our program can stitch is 5. The program would crash if we try more photos.  Here is our outcome of stitch 5 photos using homography alignment.



Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Desktop:Testset3:Subset:homography.jpg


á     Little summary


We put a lot of effort to this project.  During the implementation we just followed the instructions. We think we did pretty well in our blending implementation; the feathering result is surprisly better then our expectation.  During testing, we tried to make it as much effect and fast as possible, but the existing scripts seems not very convenient for us to do some customizations for different test cases, then we decided to write our own script to automatic run the steps of stitching.