CS4670 Project 3: Panorama

William Schurman - wts34

Bryan Cuccioli - blc72

Sample Image Results

Test Sequence

Below are images from the test sequences. (click the thumbs to view high resoluton images)

Hand-held Sequence

Below is a sequence of images taken with a Powershot SD900.

Without Spherical Warping

Homography-aligned panorama

What worked, what didn't

Overall, our project was a complete success. Our implementation was able to produce correct panoramas for sequences of images.

MOPS descriptors did not do a very good job detecting features for matching. Instead, we used the SIFT feature detector.

Unsurprisingly, because there wasn't a SIFT binary for Mac, this presented a very large problem (because panoramas generated using the MOPS descriptor looked absolutely terrible even with the solution code). To overcome this problem, we used a binary from http://www.vlfeat.org/man/sift.html and converted back to the correct format using instructions at http://blog.aradine.com/2010/10/converting-vlfeat-sift-output-to-lowe.html.

The java applet did not work in most browsers (via http or file url), and security settings accross these browsers made the java applet impossible to debug. We saw a lot of missing class errors, plugin failures, and system plugin blockings due to java security holes.