Project 2: Feature Detection and Matching

CS 4670 Computer Vision

Ronnie Bunshaft, Jie Ren

Design Choices

We made major design choices in some of the methods that we were tasked with writing, while others only required basic code to go over a window around each pixel and do some slightly different calculations.

The only part of ComputeHarrisFeatures that we changed was in the final section that fills in each feature. Here we were tasked with inputting id, type, x ,y and angle. The ids were simply incrementing a variable, the type was 2 for harris features, x and y came from the pixel, and angle was the only value that required additonal computation. To set the angle field, we developed a bin system wherein each feature was placed into a bin based on which bin it's true angle fell inside. This was done so that later in MOPS descriptor computation we would only have to warp the original image once for each bin and use it for each feature that fell into the bin. The original angle of a feature was determined by calculating the gradients for all the pixels in a window around the pixel designated as the feature's center. Each of these values from surrouding pixels was then weighted based on its magnitude and a gaussian matrix designed to make the result invariant to rotation. Once the values from each pixel in the window have been calculated, the bin represented most heavily in the window becomes the bin associated with the feature, and the angle of the feature is set as the angle representing the middle of the bin. We chose to submit with 50 bins, which only leaves 7.2 degrees to be covered in each bin, a relatively small amount. The trade off here is between speed and correctness and we decided to chose a bin number that results in slightly slower performance than the solution code, but also slightly better results.

We were responsible for completing computeHarrisValues so that it correctly gave each pixel a value based on the harris matrix we defined. We formed our harris matrix for each pixel by first computing the gradients with sobel filters and combining the results with gaussian weighting. The members of the matrix were I_x * I_x * weight, I_x * I_y * weight, and I_y * I_y * weight. Once these were computed using each pixel in a window around our current pixel, the determinant and trace were found for the matrix, and the harrisvalue of the pixel was set as determinant/trace. When a pixel in the window was considered to be out of bounds, we used the center pixel values in its place.

In computeLocalMaxima, we used a variation on our basic "for every pixel got through a window around the pixel" code. The difference here is what we did inside the center and how we handled out of bounds issues. In this case since we are looking for maxima, we can ignore any pixels outside the area because we know they are not maxima, thus we jsut continue to the next iteration of the loop if we find this. Otherwise if a pixel can survive going through all its neighbors without finding a value greater than itself, it is marked as a local max in the output image.

The code that went into ComputeSimpleDescriptors was also a variation on going through a window around every pixel. The main difference here is that we duplicate the center pixel if we find ourselves out of bounds and when inbounds we simply record the pixel information in the corresponding index of the data vector.

Arguably the most work and decisions went into completing ComputeMOPSDescriptors. To begin the computation, we take the input image and turn it to gray scale before blurring it. We then use this image in the rest of our computations. The general idea here is that we make use of the bins that all our features have been placed in, back in compute harris features. This allows us to lump together features and reduce the total number of warps( calls to warpGlobal()) that we have to make. Our outer loop executes once for each bin we have, and the warp that occurs is consequently different, specifically in the rotation portion of the transformation matrix that is passed in. The warp takes in the whole image and produces an image of larger size, so as to accomodate whatever rotation has been passed in and to allow all the features with that rotation to gether data from this one warped image. To this end, we have a loop going through each feature within the outer warping loop. Here we determine if the feature matches the current orientation or not. If it does not, we continue, if it does then we execute code very similar to the simple descriptor in which we record a window around the pixel. The difference is that this patch is 8x8 and is downsampled from a larger 41 by 41 area taken out of our blurred and rotated warp result. This provides rotational invariance and is what makes mops an improvement over the simple descriptor.

The final change that we made was in the ratioMatchFeatures method. This is very similar to the code in ssdMatchfeatures with a few changed. The most important is that the score is determined by a ratio of the first and second best matches instead of simply being decided by the best match. Therefore we had to modify the code to keep track of the second best match while also keeping track of the best. The ratio distance is then the best distance divided by the second best distance.


Graf ROC Curves

Graf AUC Benchmarks

Harris image for img1

Yosemite ROC Curves

Yosemite AUC Benchmarks

Harris image for img1

Bechmark Values Average Error

Types Leuvven Bikes Wall
Simple SSD 387.416246 pixels 451.924363 pixels 376.835301 pixels
Simple RATIO 387.416246 pixels 451.924363 pixels 376.835301 pixels
MOPS SSD 183.139344 pixels 477.213885 pixels 376.044168 pixels
MOPS RATIO 183.13944 pixels 477.213885 pixels 376.044168 pixels

Bechmark Values Average AUC

Types Leuvven Bikes Wall
Simple SSD 0.275939 0.296135 0.249023
Simple RATIO 0.532956 0.459242 0.540592
MOPS SSD 0.599422 0.663958 0.594179
MOPS RATIO 0.679012 0.646543 0.634272

Strengths and Weaknesses

Our code acts a bit differently from the solution due to some of our design choices that we explained earlier. On the down side it is a bit slower than we would perhaps like. This comes from our choice of how many bins to use when lumping angles and warping the image. Many warpings will take longer but will be more precise. On the upside our code does produce a bit nicer results than the solution. Another weakness is that we have slowed it down a bit more by computing the gradients of the image twice, once when computing harris values and once when computing feature angles. Overall, there are minor adjustments we could make to speed it up that combined could produce a bit of a speed increase, but we are happy with our ability to create and match features.

Our Images

This is matching the top of Barton on one image to the top on another