CS4670 Project 2

William Schurman - wts34

Bryan Cuccioli - blc72

Design Choices

We compute the gradients for the Harris matrix by e.g. subtracting the pixel to the left for the x gradient and the pixel above for the y gradient. While not the most sophisticated method, we noticed little to no disadvantage as opposed to using e.g. Sobel operators. We compute the feature orientation as the angle of the dominant eigenvector, which computationally seems the easiest way to compute this.

Roc Curves Harris operator image

Grafitti image

Yosemite image

Average AUCs

Simple Descriptor + SSD Simple Descriptor + Ratio MOPS Descriptor + SSD MOPS Descriptor + Ratio
leuven 0.093 0.537 0.519 0.661
bikes 0.274 0.454 0.535 0.571
wall 0.216 0.544 0.526 0.624
graf error: couldn't load image 3 error: couldn't load image 3 error: couldn't load image 3 error: couldn't load image 3

Strengths & Weaknesses

o Finds features well - doesn't highlight too much or too little
o Uses efficient methods of computation

o Gradient calculation is a little simplified
o Threshold is not terribly appropriate for all images
