Ithaca’s Polar Bear


This artifact was created from a picture of the Ithaca Fire department at College Ave. during winter 2011-spring 2012.

The picture below is to show where the picture was taken from:

This is the picture I started with, which was subsequently cropped and converted to into the TGA format using IrfanView.

These are the contour and mask created using the Intelligent Scissors.

Using ImageMagick’s convert command as suggested by Prof. Snavley, we get a cutout with the correct transparency.

Open the Ithaca bear cutout and an Antarctic background image in GIMP:


Create a new layer over the Antarctic image. Copy and paste the bear onto it.

Scale and move the pasted bear, then resize the canvas to crop the desired region.

Finally, apply sharpening on the bear layer. This could have been done in our intelligent scissor tool but I did not think about it until the end. So, I just use Gimp to do it.