A tribute to September 11th.

By: Peter Radecki
September 12, 2012

All images courtesy of Google Image Search.

I started with a general sky shot of the twin towers, unfortunately it was hard to find many really high resolution shots from when the towers were still standing. The one shown here only has one tower remaining intact.
Original Image

Also I found a picture of an eagle and an American flag.
Eagle American Flag

Since I had a slight bug in my code that caused it to follow edges too roughly I used the intelligent scissors feature in Photoshop to mask the flag. I used the color selection with some tuning on the tolerance to pick out the eagle because going around each feather on the eagle was too much work.
Eagle Mask Flag Mask

Lastly I composed the images and added text. I generated halos extending above the buildings similar to how the current memorial has lights shining in rememberance. Also I used the burn tool and selectively modified the exposure and brightness of the background image to give a uniform look so the text would stand out well.