
cs4670  Changchen He(ch627)

Project 1


The idea of my artifact is from the movie V for Vendetta. If you have ever seen the movie, you will find it may be a little bit thought provoking. :)




Original Image:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Desktop:p1_skeleton:images:2_1_.tga


First I covert the image to a tga format by using the web tool


Then I use my iscissor  code to build a mask by extract the generalÕs face in the middle.






Mask image:


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Desktop:p1_skeleton:images:testmask.tga


Contour Image:

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Desktop:p1_skeleton:images:testcc.tga

Next step is to find a picture of movie V for Vendetta online, I found this one would probably a good matching one:


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Downloads:vendetta_07.jpg



Now itÕs time to get start on photoshop:

1.Import both Vendetta image and  mask image. Change a little bit of the image opacity and adjust the size and the rotation of the Vendetta to best fit to the white area of mask image:Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Desktop:Screen Shot 2012-09-11 at 9.20.07 PM.png



2: import the original picture to double adjust the size and rotation to make it looks fine.

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Desktop:Screen Shot 2012-09-11 at 9.22.55 PM.png


3. Use magnetic tool to select the white area of mask image and cut off the corresponding area of the Vendetta image.



4. Close all the layers that wonÕt be shown on the final image.

5. Adjust colors, contrast, etc.


6. Final image:


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:vincentnewpro:Dropbox:Cornell:ComputerVision:Project1:project1.jpg