Exhibit #5: Continuous Updates
What We Did
- What we did in the last exhibit was to clear the screen once.
- This means we cannot do things that change over time.
- Animation
- Responding to user input
- To do these, you need WebGL to continuous update itself.
- We use
window.requestAnimationFrame( ... )
to accomplish continuous updates.
- Call this function to indicate that you want to do some kind of animation, and want to
update a frame.
- Give it a callback function that takes no or one argument.
- This function will get called before the next time the browser "repaint" itself.
So, any updates you do will gets reflected kind of almost immediately.
- The argument to the function is the timestamp of when the function is called.
- If you want the update to be done again and again, call
in the callback function.
- The callback rate is usually 60 fps, but can be higher.
- In this exhibit, we fetch the color values from the sliders and set the WebGL clear color accordingly.
This is a (very roundabout) way to implement a color slider.