CS 4410 covers systems programming and introductory operating system design and implementation. We will cover the basics of operating systems, namely structure, concurrency, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, filesystems, security and networking.
Prerequisites: CS 4410 is open to any undergraduate who has mastered the material in CS3410/ECE3140. Students enrolled in 4410 can also choose to take CS 4411 and complete the practicum project.
- 99% of all matters can be handled on Piazza:
- 4410 Piazza
- Private messages on Piazza should be visible to all instructors and staff. Do not create private piazza messages visible by only a subset of the course staff.
- Please do not contact any course staff or instructors via their email addresses, facebook, texting, etc. for matters concerning this course.
- Exam times have been set by the university:
- Prelim 1 is March 12 in Statler Hall 185.
- Prelim 2 is April 23 in Kennedy Hall 116.
- The Final Exam is May 10 @ 9:00 am.
- Bring your student ID to all of your exams. We will be taking attendance by having you swipe it through a card reader upon arrival.
- We will drop the lowest of your 3 exam scores. If you cannot attend an exam for any reason, this is the score we will drop.
- If you require exam accommodations, please contact Ms. Coralia Torres (ct635 in 401 Gates Hall). Be sure to tell her which course you are enrolled in and attach the necessary documentation of the accommodation. We are happy to meet the needs of our students in this matter.