include "cs4410.php";
newheader('Older Announcements');
- Aug 28: Those of you looking for a primer/refresher on computer architecture material should read Chapters 3.1-3.11, 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.3, 7.1-7.4, 8.1-8.5 in "Computer Organization & Design: The
Hardware/Software Interface" by Patterson and Hennessy. The chapter numbers
are from the 2nd edition -- the library has it, or you can find the content listing online and map it to whatever edition you actually have. Keep in mind that this material is purely supplementary: the tests will focus on the OS side
of the content in the course and not on architecture. But there are
some overlaps with the OS side of the content and the material covered
in these chapters, so it may be helpful to those who have skipped the
architecture prereq or have forgotten it over the summer.
- Aug 27: Recall that lab sections start this week, but are not mandatory. There
are no pre-prepared lectures or tasks for the lab sections. They are
there to ensure that everyone will get adequate TA time if they need
- Aug 14: The first lecture is on August 23rd. All labs, sections, office hours, etc start on August 27th, the following week.
- Aug 14: Welcome to Operating Systems!
footer(); ?>