CS432: Course Policies
Academic Integrity
Access to Instructor and TAs
- You can meet with the course instructor or the TAs without an appointment
during their office hours. If you need to meet outside of the office
hours, first set up an appointment using email.
- Besides meeting the instructor or TAs during office hours, the best way to get questions answered is
using the course newsgroup. The TAs will monitor the newsgroup, and will
answer your questions within 24 hours on weekdays, and within 48 hours on
- If you have a specific question that cannot be publicly posted, send email
to cs432ta@cs.cornell.edu. Do
not send direct emails to TAs for they are not obliged to respond to such
- All assignments have to be done individually. Collaboration or discussion
with other students is not allowed.
- No late assignments will be accepted. You will get 0% of the grade
for an assignment if you do not turn it in by the due date at the specified
time. All assignments are handed out well in advance of the due date, so
there will be no exceptions.
- The mid-term and final exam will both be
a closed book exams.
- Do not schedule job interviews or other events such that they conflict
with the course exams. A responsible employer will be happy to find a
date for a job interview that fits your academic schedule since the employer
understands that you take your student responsibilities very seriously.
- Students can view their grades using the course management system linked
off the course home page.
- Students can request regrades using the course management system. Regrade requests have to be submitted within 7 days after the
graded assignment is handed out. There will be no extensions.