CLASS Xaction_table
#include <Xaction_table.h>
The Xaction_table represents the transaction table in the ARIES system. It maintains the list of transactions and their lastLSN.
int _xid_array[100];
RecInfo* _recInfoList[100];
int _count;
OSErr GetRecInfo ( int xid, RecInfo& recInfo )
Retrieves the record information (containing the minimum LSN and last LSN of a transaction) of transaction xid.
OSErr SetRecInfo ( int xid, RecInfo& recInfo )
Sets the record information (containing the minimum LSN and last LSN of a transaction) of transaction xid.
OSErr GetAllRecInfo ( char* dbname, int& num_entries, int* xid_list, RecInfo recInfoList [ ] )
Retrieves all of the records (containing the minimum LSN and last LSN of a transaction) of the num_entries number of transactions in list xid_list.
OSErr add_entry ( int xid )
Creates an entry for transaction xid in the table.
OSErr delete_entry ( int xid )
Deletes an entry for transaction xid in the table.
OSErr print_trans_table ( )
Prints out the information in the transaction table.