CS432: Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between CS432 and CS433?

CS432 is a course about database internals, whereas CS433 is a course about database applications. CS433 covers technologies such as Active Server Pages, Java Server Pages, Servlets, Perl, Cookies, JDBC, and XML. In addition, you will build a large database backed-website such as amazon.com or ebay.com.

Can I take CS432 without taking CS433?

Yes. However, we recommend that you take both courses since you will learn a lot more about how databases are built and used.

Can I take CS433 without taking CS432?

No. The material covered in CS433 assumes knowledge at the level of CS432. However, you can (and we encourage you to) concurrently enroll for both CS432 and CS433.

Does CS432 involve a lot of work?

Yes. There is a lot of project work that involves programming. Whether you find it time-consuming or not depends on your level of comfort with C++ programming. As for the lecture material, much of it is probably new to you. In the final course evaluation last fall, many students wrote that even though the course was a lot of work, they learned a lot of valuable material. Many people also received job offers based on their knowledge of material taught in CS432 and CS433.

How important is class attendance?

Class attendance is crucial. Much of what we teach is not written on the transparencies or directly available in the book. We urge you to attend class and participate in the discussion of the different topics.