Old News
- 18 Dec 2001
Jai will have extra office hours on Wednesday (19 Dec 2001) from 3:00-4:00pm.
- 18
Dec 2001 Johannes' office hours this week: Tuesday, 12/18, 5-6pm;
Wednesday, 12/19, 5-6pm. No office hours Wednesday from 1:15-2:15pm.
- 16 Dec 2001
Any regrade requests or outstanding regrade discussions about assignments
or previous exams must be finalized by
Wednesday, 12/19. If you have an outstanding regrade request that
you have not heard about, email cs432ta@cs.cornell.edu.
- 16
Dec 2001 Johannes' office hours this week: Tuesday, 12/18, 5-6pm;
Wednesday, 12/19, 5-6pm.
- 14 Dec 2001
Here are the updated statistics for the
- 11 Dec 2001
Assignment 6 has been graded, you can find your grade in your Handin folder.
- 11 Dec 2001
Johannes' office hours on Wednesday, Dec 12, have been cancelled. Extra
office hours: Thursday, Dec 13, 1:30pm.
- 7 Dec 2001
All those who have signed up for the early final, but have not received
an email about the time and place, please contact Prof. Shanmugasundaram
- 6 Dec 2001
The final exam will include the material from chapters 1-5, 7-21, 23. Although
the final exam is cumulative, more emphasis will be placed on the material
covered after the second prelim (chapter 16 onwards). Good luck with your
- 4
Dec 2001 The final exam will be held on December 21 from 12-2:30pm. We
will be using two rooms for the exam. Students whose last names begin
with a letter in the range A-L (inclusive) should go to Room 155 in Olin
Hall. Students whose last names begin with a letter in the range M-Z
should go to Room 255 in Olin Hall.
- 4
Dec 2001 When you hand in your work for Assignment 6, please
DELETE your empty handin folders so that the TA’s won’t have to do it.
- 28
Nov 2001 TAs will have regular office hours until the last day
of classes (Dec 7). You can make appointments with TAs during study
- 28
Nov 2001 Extra credit for assignment 3 is graded. Check your
hand-in folder for new grades. If you have any questions about the extra
credit, email ty42@cornell.edu.
- 27
Nov 2001 Here are the current
statistics for the assignments/prelims.
- 26
Nov 2001 During this week, we will cover the ARIES Family of
Locking and Recovery Algorithms with emphasis on recovery. There is a lot of
interesting material online about this topic, see the links below. I also put
the slides for this chapter online.
- 21
Nov 2001 The last assignment (Assignment 6)
has been posted and the code is on goose.
- 16
Nov 2001 Cristi's office hours location
is changed to 5132 Upson.
- 14
Nov 2001 Slides from
Professor Widom's talk.
- 12
Nov 2001 Here are the statistics for prelim 1 and prelim 2.
- 11
Nov 2001 Please see Prof. Shanmugasundaram for any regrade
requests for prelim 2. Regrade requests will only be accepted until
November 20.
- 11
Nov 2001 The grades for prelim 2 will be handed out at the end
of class tomorrow. There will also be a brief (and optional) Q&A
session after class, where we will discuss the solutions for some
of the "difficult" questions that appeared in the prelim..
- 9
Nov 2001 All students who have had their first prelim regraded,
please take your prelim along with your grades to Kathy Carpenter (4115
Upson). The excel spreadsheet having the regraded scores for the
first prelim has been corrupted, so we need to update it in our records.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
- 7 Nov
2001 Jennifer Widom, a professor from Stanford University, will
be talking during CS432 class on Friday (at the regular time and place). All
of you are expected to attend this talk; the material covered in this talk
will be included in the syllabus for the final exam.
- 5 Nov
2001 Sample solution for assignment 4 is here.
- 4 Nov
2001 You can bring calculators to the second prelim, if you wish
to do so.
- 3 Nov
2001 The second prelim will be held on Tuesday, November 6 from 7:30-9:00 pm. We
will be using two rooms for the prelims. All those whose last name
starts with an alphabet in the range A-R (including A and R), please go to
B17 Upson Hall. All the others (whose last names start with an alphabet in
the range S-Z) please go to Thurston 203.
- 29
Oct 2001 The second prelim will include the material from chapters
10 through 15 (including chapters 10 and 15).
- 22
Oct 2001 Assignment 2 will be re-graded. Since there were
inconsistencies in the grading of assignment 2, the TAs will be re-grading
this assignment. So, the scores that you got for assignment 2 could change.
The TAs will re-grade assignment 2 so that full points will be awarded for a
query only if it produces the correct answer for all valid database
instances (you will not get full points if your query produces the correct
answer for only the sample database instance).
- 21
Oct 2001 The sample test script for assignment 3 is here.
- 18
Oct 2001 The CS432 lecture on Friday, October 19 will end 10
minutes early. There will be an extra Q&A session for CS433 students in
the remaining time. Please see the CS433
course web page for more details.
- 10
Oct 2001 Regrade requests for Exam 1 and the first two
assignments will only be accepted until October 17.
- 2
Oct 2001 The first prelim will be held on October 4, 7:30 pm. We
will be using two rooms for the prelims. All those whose last name
starts with an alphabet in the range A-R (including A and R), please go to
B17 Upson Hall. All the others (whose last names start with an alphabet in
the range S-Z) please go to Thurston 203.
- 1
Oct 2001 The questions in the first prelim will be similar to
the exercises found at the end of each chapter in the text book. Like many
of these exercises, the questions in the prelim will focus on your ability
to apply your knowledge to solve a given problem. To help you prepare for
the prelim, we have made the solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in
the text book available here. We will not
be releasing any sample prelim since the exercises in the text book are representative
enough. Good luck with your preparations!
- 1
Oct 2001 The first prelim will include all the chapters covered
in class, up to and including Chapter 9.
28 Sep 2001 The first prelim is on October 4
at 7:30pm, room TBA.
21 Sep 2001 A new email alias has been
created: cs432ta@cs.cornell.edu.
Email any questions that you have to this alias.
19 Sep 2001 New slides are online.
14 Sep 2001 The FAQ for Assignment 1 has
been updated.
7 Sep 2001 For the persons who handed
in the registration forms late, people are working to get you CSUGLAB access
as soon as possible. You should have access by Monday, at the latest.
7 Sep 2001 You can access the code
for assignment 1 from outside the CSUG lab (but you need to be inside the
Cornell University firewall). Please refer to the FAQ at http://www.csuglab.cornell.edu/Info/faqs.html
for more information
6 Sep 2001 If you have not found a
partner yet for your programming assignments, please let the TAs know.
In case some one else is looking for a partner, they can point you to that
6 Sep 2001 Prof. Shanmugasundaram will
be out of town from Sep 7 to Sep 17. Please direct all emails to either
Prof. Gehrke or the TAs during this time period. Also, Prof. Shanmugasundaram
will not have office hours on Sep 10.
6 Sep 2001 TA office hours have been
updated. The TAs will be largely responsible for answering your questions
regarding the assignments. Feel free to email the TAs or see them during
their office hours. Please do not direct detailed questions on assignments
to the instructors.
5 Sep 2001 Assignment 1 is now available
online. Please click here
for more details.
5 Sep 2001 The first and second exams are
scheduled for 7:30 pm on Oct 4 and Nov 6, respectively. The exams typically run
for about 1.5 to 2 hours. The final exam is during exam period 20 on December 21
from 12pm-3pm (see http://www.cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/EXFA.html).
Let the instructors know by September 7 about any scheduling conflicts that you
cannot avoid.
4 Sep 2001 Assignment 0 is due tomorrow
in class. If you have a digital picture, please make a reasonably large
printout and bring it to class.