How to Use the Transaction Simulator

The main executable is called "Mars.exe" and it makes use of the following files in its working directory:

Input Syntax

The simulation runs by executing a series of operations that model the behavior of a set of transactions. These operations are loaded from .mars files. There are 9 .mars file given in the Tests folder and of course you can compose your own if you want. The syntax is pretty simple and are described below. I recommend looking at the test files given as the fastest way to learn how to create them.

Operations are given with the following syntax. A semicolon is used to mark the end of a command, and spaces are used to separate arguments.

Getting Started

To become familiar with the code, I suggest you load either Test 1, 2, or Test 3 given in the Tests folder. The syntax is quite simple and if you step through the test files you will gain intuitive understanding how the transaction simulator works. There are comments in the given test files that tell you what the correct values of the reads should be. These are strings preceded by the # sign.