RedblackRed-Black Trees
- Efficient Verified Red-Black Trees, by Andrew W. Appel, September 2011. Available from
Section ValueType.
Variable V : Type.
Variable default : V.
Definition key := int.
Inductive color := Red | Black.
Inductive tree : Type :=
| E : tree
| T : color → tree → key → V → tree → tree.
Definition empty_tree : tree :=
lookup is the same as for BSTs.
Fixpoint lookup (x: key) (t : tree) : V :=
match t with
| E ⇒ default
| T _ tl k v tr ⇒ if ltb x k then lookup x tl
else if ltb k x then lookup x tr
else v
insert requires balancing the tree.
Definition balance (rb : color) (t1 : tree) (k : key) (vk : V) (t2 : tree) : tree :=
match rb with
| Red ⇒ T Red t1 k vk t2
| _ ⇒ match t1 with
| T Red (T Red a x vx b) y vy c ⇒
T Red (T Black a x vx b) y vy (T Black c k vk t2)
| T Red a x vx (T Red b y vy c) ⇒
T Red (T Black a x vx b) y vy (T Black c k vk t2)
| a ⇒ match t2 with
| T Red (T Red b y vy c) z vz d ⇒
T Red (T Black t1 k vk b) y vy (T Black c z vz d)
| T Red b y vy (T Red c z vz d) ⇒
T Red (T Black t1 k vk b) y vy (T Black c z vz d)
| _ ⇒ T Black t1 k vk t2
Fixpoint ins (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree) : tree :=
match t with
| E ⇒ T Red E x vx E
| T c a y vy b ⇒ if ltb x y then balance c (ins x vx a) y vy b
else if ltb y x then balance c a y vy (ins x vx b)
else T c a x vx b
Definition make_black (t : tree) : tree :=
match t with
| E ⇒ E
| T _ a x vx b ⇒ T Black a x vx b
Definition insert (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree) :=
make_black (ins x vx t).
elements is the same as for BSTs.
Fixpoint elements_tr (t : tree) (acc: list (key × V)) : list (key × V) :=
match t with
| E ⇒ acc
| T _ l k v r ⇒ elements_tr l ((k, v) :: elements_tr r acc)
Definition elements (t : tree) : list (key × V) :=
elements_tr t [].
Lemma ins_not_E : ∀ (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree),
ins x vx t ≠ E.
intros. destruct t; simpl.
destruct (ltb x k).
unfold balance.
destruct c.
destruct (ins x vx t1).
destruct t2.
(* Let's automate. *)
match goal with
| ⊢ match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end ≠ _ ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct t
match goal with
| ⊢ match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end ≠ _ ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct t
match goal with
| ⊢ T _ _ _ _ _ ≠ E ⇒ discriminate
Lemma ins_not_E : ∀ (x : key) (vx : V) (t : tree),
ins x vx t ≠ E.
intros. destruct t; simpl.
- discriminate.
- unfold balance.
match goal with
| ⊢ (if ?x then _ else _) ≠ _ ⇒ destruct x
| ⊢ match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end ≠ _⇒ destruct t
| ⊢ T _ _ _ _ _ ≠ E ⇒ discriminate
Fixpoint ForallT (P: int → V → Prop) (t: tree) : Prop :=
match t with
| E ⇒ True
| T c l k v r ⇒ P k v ∧ ForallT P l ∧ ForallT P r
Inductive BST : tree → Prop :=
| ST_E : BST E
| ST_T : ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (T c l k v r).
Lemma empty_tree_BST: BST empty_tree.
unfold empty_tree. constructor.
Let's show that insert preserves the BST invariant, that is:
Theorem insert_BST : ∀ t v k,
BST t →
BST (insert k v t).
It will take quite a bit of work, but automation will help.
First, we show that if a non-empty tree would be a BST, then the
balanced version of it is also a BST:
Lemma balance_BST: ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (balance c l k v r).
intros c l k v r PL PR BL BR. unfold balance.
match goal with
| ⊢ BST (match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ BST (match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct t
(* 58 cases remaining. *)
- constructor. assumption. assumption. assumption. assumption.
- constructor; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* Now the tree gets bigger, and the proof gets more complicated. *)
constructor; auto.
+ simpl in ×. repeat split.
(* The intro pattern ? means to let Coq choose the name. *)
destruct PR as [? _]. omega.
+ simpl in ×. repeat split.
× inv BR. simpl in ×. destruct H5 as [? _]. omega.
× inv BR. simpl in ×. destruct H5 as [_ [? _]]. auto.
× inv BR. simpl in ×. destruct H5 as [_ [_ ?]]. auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ inv BR. inv H7. constructor; auto.
- constructor; auto.
- (* 53 cases remain. This could go on for awhile... *)
Let's automate.
Lemma balance_BST: ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (balance c l k v r).
intros. unfold balance.
(match goal with
| ⊢ BST (match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ BST (match ?t with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct t
| ⊢ ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ repeat split
| H: ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ destruct H as [? [? ?] ]
| H: BST (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ inv H
(try constructor; auto; try omega)).
41 cases remain. They're about inequalities.
To make progress, we can set up some helper lemmas.
Lemma ForallT_imp : ∀ (P Q : int → V → Prop) t,
ForallT P t →
(∀ k v, P k v → Q k v) →
ForallT Q t.
induction t; intros.
- auto.
- destruct H as [? [? ?]]. repeat split; auto.
Lemma ForallT_greater : ∀ t k k0,
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k) t →
Abs k > Abs k0 →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' > Abs k0) t.
intros. eapply ForallT_imp; eauto.
intros. simpl in H1. omega.
Lemma ForallT_less : ∀ t k k0,
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' < Abs k) t →
Abs k < Abs k0 →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ Abs k' < Abs k0) t.
intros; eapply ForallT_imp; eauto.
intros. simpl in H1. omega.
Now we can return to automating the proof.
Lemma balance_BST: ∀ (c : color) (l : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (r : tree),
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') < (Abs k)) l →
ForallT (fun k' _ ⇒ (Abs k') > (Abs k)) r →
BST l →
BST r →
BST (balance c l k v r).
intros. unfold balance.
(match goal with
| ⊢ BST (match ?c with Red ⇒ _ | Black ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct c
| ⊢ BST (match ?s with E ⇒ _ | T _ _ _ _ _ ⇒ _ end) ⇒ destruct s
| ⊢ ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⇒ repeat split
| H: ForallT _ (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ destruct H as [? [? ?] ]
| H: BST (T _ _ _ _ _) ⊢ _ ⇒ inv H
(try constructor; auto; try omega)).
(* all: t applies t to every subgoal. *)
all: try eapply ForallT_greater; try eapply ForallT_less; eauto; try omega.
(* ...after several exercises... *)
Theorem insert_BST : ∀ t v k,
BST t →
BST (insert k v t).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
lookup k empty_tree = default
lookup k (insert k v t) = v
lookup k' (insert k v t) = lookup k' t if k ≠ k'
Lemma lookup_empty : ∀ k, lookup k empty_tree = default.
Proof. auto. Qed.
The next two equations are more challenging because of balance.
...after several helper lemmas...
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (lookup_insert)
Theorem lookup_insert_eq : ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V),
BST t →
lookup k (insert k v t) = v.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem lookup_insert_neq: ∀ (t : tree) (k k' : key) (v : V),
BST t →
k ≠ k' →
lookup k' (insert k v t) = lookup k' t.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
- Local Invariant: No red node has a red child.
- Global Invariant: Every path from the root to a leaf has the same number of black nodes.
Inductive RB : tree → color → nat → Prop :=
| RB_leaf: ∀ (c : color), RB E c 0
| RB_r: ∀ (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB l Red n →
RB r Red n →
RB (T Red l k v r) Black n
| RB_b: ∀ (c : color) (l r : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB l Black n →
RB r Black n →
RB (T Black l k v r) c (S n).
...after many helper lemmas...
Prove that insert maintains the RB invariant.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (insert_RB)
Lemma insert_RB : ∀ (t : tree) (k : key) (v : V) (n : nat),
RB t Red n →
∃ (n' : nat), RB (insert k v t) Red n'.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End ValueType.
Extraction "" empty_tree insert lookup elements.
Run it in the OCaml top level with these commands:
On a recent machine with a 2.9 GHz Intel Core i9 that prints:
That execution uses the bytecode interpreter. The native compiler
will have better performance:
On the same machine that prints,
The benchmark measurements above (and in Extract)
demonstrate the following:
#use "";; #use "";;
Insert and lookup 1000000 random integers in 0.860663 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 random integers in 0.007908 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 consecutive integers in 0.004668 seconds.
$ ocamlopt -c redblack.mli $ ocamlopt redblack.cmx -open Redblack -o test_redblack $ ./test_redblack
Insert and lookup 1000000 random integers in 0.475669 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 random integers in 0.00312 seconds. Insert and lookup 20000 consecutive integers in 0.001183 seconds.
- On random insertions, red-black trees are about the same as
ordinary BSTs.
- On consecutive insertions, red-black trees are much faster
than ordinary BSTs.
- Red-black trees are about as fast on consecutive insertions as on random.