SearchTreeBinary Search Trees
- Section 3.2 of Algorithms, Fourth Edition, by Sedgewick and Wayne, Addison Wesley 2011; or
- Chapter 12 of Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest, MIT Press 2009.
From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
From VFA Require Import Perm.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
From VFA Require Import Perm.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Total and Partial Maps
From VFA Require Import Maps.
Module SectionExample1.
Definition mymap (V: Type) := list (nat*V).
Definition empty (V: Type) : mymap V := nil.
Fixpoint lookup (V: Type) (default: V) (x: nat) (m: mymap V) : V :=
match m with
| (a,v)::al ⇒ if x =? a then v else lookup V default x al
| nil ⇒ default
Theorem lookup_empty (V: Type) (default: V):
∀x, lookup V default x (empty V) = default.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SectionExample1.
Definition mymap (V: Type) := list (nat*V).
Definition empty (V: Type) : mymap V := nil.
Fixpoint lookup (V: Type) (default: V) (x: nat) (m: mymap V) : V :=
match m with
| (a,v)::al ⇒ if x =? a then v else lookup V default x al
| nil ⇒ default
Theorem lookup_empty (V: Type) (default: V):
∀x, lookup V default x (empty V) = default.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SectionExample1.
It sure is tedious to repeat the V and default parameters
in every definition and every theorem. The Section feature
allows us to declare them as parameters to every definition
and theorem in the entire section:
Module SectionExample2.
Section MAPS.
Variable V : Type.
Variable default: V.
Definition mymap := list (nat*V).
Definition empty : mymap := nil.
Fixpoint lookup (x: nat) (m: mymap) : V :=
match m with
| (a,v)::al ⇒ if x =? a then v else lookup x al
| nil ⇒ default
Theorem lookup_empty:
∀x, lookup x empty = default.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SectionExample2.
Section MAPS.
Variable V : Type.
Variable default: V.
Definition mymap := list (nat*V).
Definition empty : mymap := nil.
Fixpoint lookup (x: nat) (m: mymap) : V :=
match m with
| (a,v)::al ⇒ if x =? a then v else lookup x al
| nil ⇒ default
Theorem lookup_empty:
∀x, lookup x empty = default.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
End SectionExample2.
At the close of the section, this produces exactly the same
result: the functions that need to be parametrized by V or
default have been generalized to take them as parameters:
Check SectionExample2.empty.
(* ====>
: forall V : Type, SectionExample2.mymap V
Check SectionExample2.lookup.
(* ====>
: forall V : Type, V -> nat -> SectionExample2.mymap V -> V
(* ====>
: forall V : Type, SectionExample2.mymap V
Check SectionExample2.lookup.
(* ====>
: forall V : Type, V -> nat -> SectionExample2.mymap V -> V
We can even prove that the two definitions are equivalent, as follows.
Theorem empty_equiv : SectionExample1.empty = SectionExample2.empty.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
For lookup, the proof is a bit harder. The problem is that the
two lookup functions are not implemented in quite the same way:
Print SectionExample1.lookup.
(* ====>
SectionExample1.lookup =
fix lookup (V : Type) (default : V) (x : nat) (m : SectionExample1.mymap V)
{struct m} : V := ...
Print SectionExample2.lookup.
(* ====>
SectionExample2.lookup =
fun (V : Type) (default : V) =>
fix lookup (x : nat) (m : SectionExample2.mymap V) {struct m} : V := ...
(* ====>
SectionExample1.lookup =
fix lookup (V : Type) (default : V) (x : nat) (m : SectionExample1.mymap V)
{struct m} : V := ...
Print SectionExample2.lookup.
(* ====>
SectionExample2.lookup =
fun (V : Type) (default : V) =>
fix lookup (x : nat) (m : SectionExample2.mymap V) {struct m} : V := ...
When the Section added parameters to SectionExample2.lookup,
they came as a result of function fun (V : Type) (default : V) ...
wrapped around the actual lookup function. So, reflexivity
isn't enough to complete the proof.
Theorem lookup_equiv : SectionExample1.lookup = SectionExample2.lookup.
try reflexivity. (* doesn't do anything. *)
try reflexivity. (* doesn't do anything. *)
Instead, we need to prove that the two lookup functions
compute the same result when applied to the same arguments. That
is, we want to use the Axiom of Functional Extensionality, which
is discussed in Logic and provided by the standard
library's Logic.FunctionalExentionality module. Recall that
functions f and g are extensionally equal if, for every
argument x, it holds that f x = g x. The Axiom of Functional
Extensionality says that if two functions are extensionally
equal, then they are equal. The extensionality tactic, which we
use next, is a convenient way of applying the axiom.
extensionality V. extensionality default. extensionality x.
extensionality m. induction m as [ | h t IH]; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct h as [k v]. destruct (x =? k).
+ reflexivity.
+ apply IH.
extensionality m. induction m as [ | h t IH]; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct h as [k v]. destruct (x =? k).
+ reflexivity.
+ apply IH.
Section TREES.
Variable V : Type.
Variable default: V.
Definition key := nat.
Inductive tree : Type :=
| E : tree
| T : tree → key → V → tree → tree.
Definition empty_tree : tree := E.
Fixpoint lookup (x: key) (t : tree) : V :=
match t with
| E ⇒ default
| T tl k v tr ⇒ if x <? k then lookup x tl
else if k <? x then lookup x tr
else v
Fixpoint insert (x: key) (v: V) (s: tree) : tree :=
match s with
| E ⇒ T E x v E
| T a y v' b ⇒ if x <? y then T (insert x v a) y v' b
else if y <? x then T a y v' (insert x v b)
else T a x v b
Fixpoint elements' (s: tree) (base: list (key*V)) : list (key * V) :=
match s with
| E ⇒ base
| T a k v b ⇒ elements' a ((k,v) :: elements' b base)
Definition elements (s: tree) : list (key * V) := elements' s nil.
If you're wondering why we didn't implement elements more simply
with ++, we'll return to that question below when we discuss
a function named slow_elements; feel free to peek ahead now
if you're curious.
Search Tree Examples
Variables v2 v4 v5 : V.
Compute insert 5 v5 (insert 2 v2 (insert 4 v5 empty_tree)).
(* = T (T E 2 v2 E) 4 v5 (T E 5 v5 E) *)
Compute lookup 5 (T (T E 2 v2 E) 4 v5 (T E 5 v5 E)).
(* = v5 *)
Compute lookup 3 (T (T E 2 v2 E) 4 v5 (T E 5 v5 E)).
(* = default *)
Compute elements (T (T E 2 v2 E) 4 v5 (T E 5 v5 E)).
(* = (2, v2); (4, v5); (5, v5) *)
Efficiency of BSTs
What Should We Prove About Search trees?
- Any search tree corresponds to some map, using a function or
relation that we demonstrate.
- The lookup function gives the same result as applying the map.
- The insert function returns a corresponding map.
- Maps have the properties we actually want.
Check t_update_eq.
(* : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) (x : nat) (v : A),
t_update m x v x = v *)
Check t_update_neq.
(* : forall (X : Type) (v : X) (x1 x2 : nat) (m : total_map X),
x1 <> x2 -> t_update m x1 v x2 = m x2 *)
Check t_update_shadow.
(* : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) (v1 v2 : A) (x : nat),
t_update (t_update m x v1) x v2 = t_update m x v2 *)
Check t_update_same.
(* : forall (X : Type) (x : nat) (m : total_map X),
t_update m x (m x) = m *)
Check t_update_permute.
(* forall (X : Type) (v1 v2 : X) (x1 x2 : nat) (m : total_map X),
x2 <> x1 ->
t_update (t_update m x2 v2) x1 v1 =
t_update (t_update m x1 v1) x2 v2 *)
Check t_apply_empty.
(* : forall (A : Type) (x : nat) (v : A),
t_empty v x = v *)
(* : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) (x : nat) (v : A),
t_update m x v x = v *)
Check t_update_neq.
(* : forall (X : Type) (v : X) (x1 x2 : nat) (m : total_map X),
x1 <> x2 -> t_update m x1 v x2 = m x2 *)
Check t_update_shadow.
(* : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) (v1 v2 : A) (x : nat),
t_update (t_update m x v1) x v2 = t_update m x v2 *)
Check t_update_same.
(* : forall (X : Type) (x : nat) (m : total_map X),
t_update m x (m x) = m *)
Check t_update_permute.
(* forall (X : Type) (v1 v2 : X) (x1 x2 : nat) (m : total_map X),
x2 <> x1 ->
t_update (t_update m x2 v2) x1 v1 =
t_update (t_update m x1 v1) x2 v2 *)
Check t_apply_empty.
(* : forall (A : Type) (x : nat) (v : A),
t_empty v x = v *)
So, if we like those properties that total_map is proved to
have, and we can prove that search trees behave like maps, then we
don't have to reprove each individual property about search trees.
More generally: a job worth doing is worth doing well. It does no
good to prove the "correctness" of a program, if you prove that it
satisfies a wrong or useless specification.
We claim that a tree "corresponds" to a total_map. So we must
exhibit an abstraction relation Abs: tree → total_map V → Prop.
The idea is that Abs t m says that tree t is a representation
of map m; or that map m is an abstraction of tree t. How
should we define this abstraction relation?
The empty tree is easy: Abs E (fun x ⇒ default).
Now, what about this tree?:
Abstraction Relation
Definition example_tree (v2 v4 v5 : V) :=
T (T E 2 v2 E) 4 v4 (T E 5 v5 E).
T (T E 2 v2 E) 4 v4 (T E 5 v5 E).
Exercise: 2 stars, standard (example_map)
Definition example_map (v2 v4 v5 : V) : total_map V
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Section ExampleMap.
Variables v2 v4 v5 : V.
Example example_map_2 : example_map v2 v4 v5 2 = v2.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example example_map_4 : example_map v2 v4 v5 4 = v4.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example example_map_5 : example_map v2 v4 v5 5 = v5.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example example_map_default : example_map v2 v4 v5 0 = default.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End ExampleMap.
(* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
Section ExampleMap.
Variables v2 v4 v5 : V.
Example example_map_2 : example_map v2 v4 v5 2 = v2.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example example_map_4 : example_map v2 v4 v5 4 = v4.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example example_map_5 : example_map v2 v4 v5 5 = v5.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example example_map_default : example_map v2 v4 v5 0 = default.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
End ExampleMap.
Definition combine {A} (pivot: key) (m1 m2: total_map A) : total_map A :=
fun x ⇒ if x <? pivot then m1 x else m2 x.
Inductive Abs: tree → total_map V → Prop :=
| Abs_E: Abs E (t_empty default)
| Abs_T: ∀a b l k v r,
Abs l a →
Abs r b →
Abs (T l k v r) (t_update (combine k a b) k v).
fun x ⇒ if x <? pivot then m1 x else m2 x.
Inductive Abs: tree → total_map V → Prop :=
| Abs_E: Abs E (t_empty default)
| Abs_T: ∀a b l k v r,
Abs l a →
Abs r b →
Abs (T l k v r) (t_update (combine k a b) k v).
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (check_example_map)
Lemma Abs_T_aux : ∀a b l k v r m,
Abs l a → Abs r b
→ m = t_update (combine k a b) k v
→ Abs (T l k v r) m.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Abs l a → Abs r b
→ m = t_update (combine k a b) k v
→ Abs (T l k v r) m.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Now proceed with the proof about your example_map. Hint: to
prove the equality of two non-empty maps, use functional
extensionality to make the argument to the map (that is, a key)
manifest. Reduce both maps to expressions involving just
functions, if expressions, and Boolean comparisons. Then you can
repeatedly destruct the key argument and simplify.
Lemma check_example_map:
∀v2 v4 v5, Abs (example_tree v2 v4 v5) (example_map v2 v4 v5).
intros v2 v4 v5. unfold example_tree.
eapply Abs_T_aux. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀v2 v4 v5, Abs (example_tree v2 v4 v5) (example_map v2 v4 v5).
intros v2 v4 v5. unfold example_tree.
eapply Abs_T_aux. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Proof of Correctness
Exercise: 1 star, standard (empty_tree_relate)
Theorem empty_tree_relate: Abs empty_tree (t_empty default).
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard (lookup_relate)
lookup k
t ----------+
| \
Abs | +--> v
V /
m ----------+
lookup k
Theorem lookup_relate:
∀k t m ,
Abs t m → lookup k t = m k.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀k t m ,
Abs t m → lookup k t = m k.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 4 stars, standard (insert_relate)
insert k v t --------------> t' | | Abs | | Abs V V m --------------> m' update k v
Theorem insert_relate:
∀k v t m,
Abs t m →
Abs (insert k v t) (t_update m k v).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀k v t m,
Abs t m →
Abs (insert k v t) (t_update m k v).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Correctness Proof of the elements Function
Fixpoint list2map (el: list (key*V)) : total_map V :=
match el with
| nil ⇒ t_empty default
| (i,v)::el' ⇒ t_update (list2map el') i v
match el with
| nil ⇒ t_empty default
| (i,v)::el' ⇒ t_update (list2map el') i v
Theorem elements_relate:
∀t m, Abs t m → list2map (elements t) = m.
∀t m, Abs t m → list2map (elements t) = m.
Don't prove this yet. Instead, explain in your own words, with
examples, why this ought to be true. It's OK if your explanation is
not a formal proof; it's even OK if your explanation is subtly
wrong! Just make it convincing.
Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (not_elements_relate)
Theorem not_elements_relate:
∀v, v ≠ default →
¬(∀t m, Abs t m → list2map (elements t) = m).
pose (bogus := T (T E 3 v E) 2 v E).
pose (m := t_update (t_empty default) 2 v).
pose (m' := t_update
(combine 2
(t_update (combine 3 (t_empty default) (t_empty default)) 3 v)
(t_empty default)) 2 v).
assert (Paradox: list2map (elements bogus) = m ∧ list2map (elements bogus) ≠ m).
∀v, v ≠ default →
¬(∀t m, Abs t m → list2map (elements t) = m).
pose (bogus := T (T E 3 v E) 2 v E).
pose (m := t_update (t_empty default) 2 v).
pose (m' := t_update
(combine 2
(t_update (combine 3 (t_empty default) (t_empty default)) 3 v)
(t_empty default)) 2 v).
assert (Paradox: list2map (elements bogus) = m ∧ list2map (elements bogus) ≠ m).
To prove the first subgoal, prove that m=m' (by extensionality) and
then use H.
To prove the second subgoal, do an intro so that you can assume
update_list (t_empty default) (elements bogus) = m, then show that
update_list (t_empty default) (elements bogus) 3 ≠ m 3.
That's a contradiction.
To prove the third subgoal, just destruct Paradox and use the
In all 3 goals, when you need to unfold local definitions such
as bogus you can use unfold bogus or subst bogus.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Representation Invariants
Fixpoint forall_nodes (t: tree) (P: tree→key→V→tree→Prop) : Prop :=
match t with
| E ⇒ True
| T l k v r ⇒ P l k v r ∧ forall_nodes l P ∧ forall_nodes r P
Definition SearchTreeX (t: tree) :=
forall_nodes t
(fun l k v r ⇒
forall_nodes l (fun _ j _ _ ⇒ j<k) ∧
forall_nodes r (fun _ j _ _ ⇒ j>k)).
Lemma example_SearchTree_good:
∀v2 v4 v5, SearchTreeX (example_tree v2 v4 v5).
intros. compute. auto.
Lemma example_SearchTree_bad:
∀v, ¬SearchTreeX (T (T E 3 v E) 2 v E).
intros. compute. omega.
Theorem elements_relate_second_attempt:
∀t m,
SearchTreeX t →
Abs t m →
list2map (elements t) = m.
match t with
| E ⇒ True
| T l k v r ⇒ P l k v r ∧ forall_nodes l P ∧ forall_nodes r P
Definition SearchTreeX (t: tree) :=
forall_nodes t
(fun l k v r ⇒
forall_nodes l (fun _ j _ _ ⇒ j<k) ∧
forall_nodes r (fun _ j _ _ ⇒ j>k)).
Lemma example_SearchTree_good:
∀v2 v4 v5, SearchTreeX (example_tree v2 v4 v5).
intros. compute. auto.
Lemma example_SearchTree_bad:
∀v, ¬SearchTreeX (T (T E 3 v E) 2 v E).
intros. compute. omega.
Theorem elements_relate_second_attempt:
∀t m,
SearchTreeX t →
Abs t m →
list2map (elements t) = m.
This is probably provable. But the SearchTreeX property is quite
unwieldy, with its two Fixpoints nested inside a Fixpoint.
Instead of using SearchTreeX, let's reformulate the search tree
property as an inductive proposition without any nested induction.
SearchTree' lo t hi will hold of a tree t satisfying the BST
invariant whose keys are between lo (inclusive) and hi
(exclusive), where lo may not be greater than hi.
Inductive SearchTree' : key → tree → key → Prop :=
| ST_E : ∀lo hi, lo ≤ hi → SearchTree' lo E hi
| ST_T: ∀lo l k v r hi,
SearchTree' lo l k →
SearchTree' (S k) r hi →
SearchTree' lo (T l k v r) hi.
| ST_E : ∀lo hi, lo ≤ hi → SearchTree' lo E hi
| ST_T: ∀lo l k v r hi,
SearchTree' lo l k →
SearchTree' (S k) r hi →
SearchTree' lo (T l k v r) hi.
It's easy to show that the definition prohibits lo from being
greater than hi.
Lemma SearchTree'_le:
∀lo t hi, SearchTree' lo t hi → lo ≤ hi.
intros. induction H.
- assumption.
- omega.
∀lo t hi, SearchTree' lo t hi → lo ≤ hi.
intros. induction H.
- assumption.
- omega.
To be a SearchTree, a tree must satisfy SearchTree' for some
upper bound hi.
Inductive SearchTree: tree → Prop :=
| ST_intro: ∀t hi, SearchTree' 0 t hi → SearchTree t.
| ST_intro: ∀t hi, SearchTree' 0 t hi → SearchTree t.
Before we prove that elements is correct, let's consider a
simpler version.
Fixpoint slow_elements (s: tree) : list (key * V) :=
match s with
| E ⇒ nil
| T a k v b ⇒ slow_elements a ++ [(k,v)] ++ slow_elements b
match s with
| E ⇒ nil
| T a k v b ⇒ slow_elements a ++ [(k,v)] ++ slow_elements b
This one is easier to understand than the elements function,
because it doesn't carry the base list around in its recursion.
Unfortunately, its running time is quadratic, because at each of
the T nodes it does a linear-time list concatentation. The
original elements function takes linear time overall; that's
much more efficient.
To prove correctness of elements, it's actually easier to first
prove that it's equivalent to slow_elements, then prove the
correctness of slow_elements. We don't care that slow_elements
is quadratic, because we're never going to really run it; it's
just there to support the proof.
Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (elements_slow_elements)
Theorem elements_slow_elements: elements = slow_elements.
extensionality s.
unfold elements.
assert (∀base, elements' s base = slow_elements s ++ base).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
extensionality s.
unfold elements.
assert (∀base, elements' s base = slow_elements s ++ base).
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma slow_elements_range:
∀k v lo t hi,
SearchTree' lo t hi →
In (k,v) (slow_elements t) →
lo ≤ k < hi.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀k v lo t hi,
SearchTree' lo t hi →
In (k,v) (slow_elements t) →
lo ≤ k < hi.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Lemma In_decidable:
∀(al: list (key*V)) (i: key),
(∃v, In (i,v) al) ∨ (¬∃v, In (i,v) al).
induction al as [ | [k v]].
right; intros [w H]; inv H.
destruct IHal as [[w H] | H].
left; ∃w; right; auto.
bdestruct (k =? i).
subst k.
left; eauto.
∃v; left; auto.
right. intros [w H1].
destruct H1. inv H1. omega.
apply H; eauto.
induction al as [ | [k v]].
right; intros [w H]; inv H.
destruct IHal as [[w H] | H].
left; ∃w; right; auto.
bdestruct (k =? i).
subst k.
left; eauto.
∃v; left; auto.
right. intros [w H1].
destruct H1. inv H1. omega.
apply H; eauto.
Lemma list2map_app_left:
∀(al bl: list (key*V)) (i: key) v,
In (i,v) al → list2map (al++bl) i = list2map al i.
revert H; induction al as [| [j w] al]; intro; simpl; auto.
inv H.
destruct H. inv H.
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (i=?i); [ | omega].
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (j=?i); auto.
revert H; induction al as [| [j w] al]; intro; simpl; auto.
inv H.
destruct H. inv H.
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (i=?i); [ | omega].
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (j=?i); auto.
Lemma list2map_app_right:
∀(al bl: list (key*V)) (i: key),
~(∃v, In (i,v) al) → list2map (al++bl) i = list2map bl i.
revert H; induction al as [| [j w] al]; intro; simpl; auto.
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (j=?i).
subst j.
contradiction H.
∃w; left; auto.
apply IHal.
contradict H.
destruct H as [u ?].
∃u; right; auto.
revert H; induction al as [| [j w] al]; intro; simpl; auto.
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (j=?i).
subst j.
contradiction H.
∃w; left; auto.
apply IHal.
contradict H.
destruct H as [u ?].
∃u; right; auto.
Lemma list2map_not_in_default:
∀(al: list (key*V)) (i: key),
~(∃v, In (i,v) al) → list2map al i = default.
induction al as [| [j w] al].
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (j=?i).
contradiction H.
∃w; left; auto.
apply IHal.
intros [v ?].
apply H. ∃v; right; auto.
induction al as [| [j w] al].
unfold t_update.
bdestruct (j=?i).
contradiction H.
∃w; left; auto.
apply IHal.
intros [v ?].
apply H. ∃v; right; auto.
Theorem elements_relate:
∀t m,
SearchTree t →
Abs t m →
list2map (elements t) = m.
rewrite elements_slow_elements.
intros until 1. inv H.
revert m; induction H0; intros.
* (* ST_E case *)
inv H0.
* (* ST_T case *)
inv H.
specialize (IHSearchTree'1 _ H5). clear H5.
specialize (IHSearchTree'2 _ H6). clear H6.
unfold slow_elements; fold slow_elements.
extensionality i.
destruct (In_decidable (slow_elements l) i) as [[w H] | Hleft].
rewrite list2map_app_left with (v:=w); auto.
pose proof (slow_elements_range _ _ _ _ _ H0_ H).
unfold combine, t_update.
bdestruct (k=?i); [ omega | ].
bdestruct (i<?k); [ | omega].
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀t m,
SearchTree t →
Abs t m →
list2map (elements t) = m.
rewrite elements_slow_elements.
intros until 1. inv H.
revert m; induction H0; intros.
* (* ST_E case *)
inv H0.
* (* ST_T case *)
inv H.
specialize (IHSearchTree'1 _ H5). clear H5.
specialize (IHSearchTree'2 _ H6). clear H6.
unfold slow_elements; fold slow_elements.
extensionality i.
destruct (In_decidable (slow_elements l) i) as [[w H] | Hleft].
rewrite list2map_app_left with (v:=w); auto.
pose proof (slow_elements_range _ _ _ _ _ H0_ H).
unfold combine, t_update.
bdestruct (k=?i); [ omega | ].
bdestruct (i<?k); [ | omega].
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Preservation of Representation Invariant
Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (empty_tree_SearchTree)
Theorem empty_tree_SearchTree: SearchTree empty_tree.
clear default. (* This is here to avoid a nasty interaction between Admitted
and Section/Variable. It's also a hint that the default value
is not needed in this theorem. *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
clear default. (* This is here to avoid a nasty interaction between Admitted
and Section/Variable. It's also a hint that the default value
is not needed in this theorem. *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Theorem insert_SearchTree:
∀k v t,
SearchTree t → SearchTree (insert k v t).
clear default. (* This is here to avoid a nasty interaction between Admitted and Section/Variable *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀k v t,
SearchTree t → SearchTree (insert k v t).
clear default. (* This is here to avoid a nasty interaction between Admitted and Section/Variable *)
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Check lookup_relate.
(* forall (k : key) (t : tree) (m : total_map V),
Abs t m -> lookup k t = m k *)
(* forall (k : key) (t : tree) (m : total_map V),
Abs t m -> lookup k t = m k *)
In general, to prove that a function satisfies the abstraction relation,
one also needs to use the representation invariant. That was certainly
the case with elements_relate:
Check elements_relate.
(* : forall (t : tree) (m : total_map V),
SearchTree t -> Abs t m -> elements_property t m *)
(* : forall (t : tree) (m : total_map V),
SearchTree t -> Abs t m -> elements_property t m *)
To put that another way, the general form of lookup_relate should be:
Lemma lookup_relate':
∀(k : key) (t : tree) (m : total_map V),
SearchTree t → Abs t m → lookup k t = m k.
∀(k : key) (t : tree) (m : total_map V),
SearchTree t → Abs t m → lookup k t = m k.
That is certainly provable, since it's a weaker statement than what we proved:
apply lookup_relate.
apply H0.
Theorem insert_relate':
∀k v t m,
SearchTree t →
Abs t m →
Abs (insert k v t) (t_update m k v).
Proof. intros. apply insert_relate; auto.
apply lookup_relate.
apply H0.
Theorem insert_relate':
∀k v t m,
SearchTree t →
Abs t m →
Abs (insert k v t) (t_update m k v).
Proof. intros. apply insert_relate; auto.
The question is, why did we not need the representation invariant in
the proof of lookup_relate? The answer is that our particular Abs
relation is much more clever than necessary:
Print Abs.
(* Inductive Abs : tree -> total_map V -> Prop :=
Abs_E : Abs E (t_empty default)
| Abs_T : forall (a b: total_map V) (l: tree) (k: key) (v: V) (r: tree),
Abs l a ->
Abs r b ->
Abs (T l k v r) (t_update (combine k a b) k v)
(* Inductive Abs : tree -> total_map V -> Prop :=
Abs_E : Abs E (t_empty default)
| Abs_T : forall (a b: total_map V) (l: tree) (k: key) (v: V) (r: tree),
Abs l a ->
Abs r b ->
Abs (T l k v r) (t_update (combine k a b) k v)
Because the combine function is chosen very carefully, it turns out
that this abstraction relation even works on bogus trees!
Remark abstraction_of_bogus_tree:
∀v2 v3,
Abs (T (T E 3 v3 E) 2 v2 E) (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v2).
evar (m: total_map V).
replace (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v2) with m; subst m.
repeat constructor.
extensionality x.
unfold t_update, combine, t_empty.
bdestruct (2 =? x).
bdestruct (x <? 2).
bdestruct (3 =? x).
(* LOOK HERE! *)
bdestruct (x <? 3).
∀v2 v3,
Abs (T (T E 3 v3 E) 2 v2 E) (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v2).
evar (m: total_map V).
replace (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v2) with m; subst m.
repeat constructor.
extensionality x.
unfold t_update, combine, t_empty.
bdestruct (2 =? x).
bdestruct (x <? 2).
bdestruct (3 =? x).
(* LOOK HERE! *)
bdestruct (x <? 3).
Step through the proof to LOOK HERE, and notice what's going on.
Just when it seems that (T (T E 3 v3 E) 2 v2 E) is about to produce v3
while (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v2) is about to produce default,
omega finds a contradiction. What's happening is that combine 2
is careful to ignore any keys >= 2 in the left-hand subtree.
For that reason, Abs matches the actual behavior of lookup,
even on bogus trees. But that's a really strong condition! We should
not have to care about the behavior of lookup (and insert) on
bogus trees. We should not need to prove anything about it, either.
Sure, it's convenient in this case that the abstraction relation is able to
cope with ill-formed trees. But in general, when proving correctness of
abstract-data-type (ADT) implementations, it may be a lot of extra
effort to make the abstraction relation as heavy-duty as that.
It's often much easier for the abstraction relation to assume that the
representation is well formed. Thus, the general statement of our
correctness theorems will be more like lookup_relate' than like
We're not quite done yet. We would like to know that
every tree that satisfies the representation invariant, means something.
So as a general sanity check, we need the following theorem:
Every Well-Formed Tree Does Actually Relate to an Abstraction
Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (can_relate)
Lemma can_relate:
∀t, SearchTree t → ∃m, Abs t m.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀t, SearchTree t → ∃m, Abs t m.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (unrealistically_strong_can_relate)
Lemma unrealistically_strong_can_relate:
∀t, ∃m, Abs t m.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
∀t, ∃m, Abs t m.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
It Wasn't Really Luck, Actually
Definition AbsX (t: tree) (m: total_map V) : Prop :=
list2map (elements t) = m.
list2map (elements t) = m.
It's easy to prove that elements respects this abstraction relation:
Theorem elements_relateX:
∀t m,
SearchTree t →
AbsX t m →
list2map (elements t) = m.
apply H0.
∀t m,
SearchTree t →
AbsX t m →
list2map (elements t) = m.
apply H0.
But it's not so easy to prove that lookup and insert respect this
relation. For example, the following claim is not true.
Theorem naive_lookup_relateX:
∀k t m ,
AbsX t m → lookup k t = m k.
Abort. (* Not true *)
∀k t m ,
AbsX t m → lookup k t = m k.
Abort. (* Not true *)
In fact, naive_lookup_relateX is provably false,
as long as the type V contains at least two different values.
Theorem not_naive_lookup_relateX:
∀v, default ≠ v →
¬(∀k t m , AbsX t m → lookup k t = m k).
unfold AbsX.
intros v H.
intros H0.
pose (bogus := T (T E 3 v E) 2 v E).
pose (m := t_update (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v) 3 v).
assert (list2map (elements bogus) = m).
assert (¬lookup 3 bogus = m 3). {
unfold bogus, m, t_update, t_empty.
apply H.
(** Right here you see how it is proved. bogus is our old friend,
the bogus tree that does not satisfy the SearchTree property.
m is the total_map that corresponds to the elements of bogus.
The lookup function returns default at key 3,
but the map m returns v at key 3. And yet, assumption H0
claims that they should return the same thing. *)
apply H2.
apply H0.
apply H1.
∀v, default ≠ v →
¬(∀k t m , AbsX t m → lookup k t = m k).
unfold AbsX.
intros v H.
intros H0.
pose (bogus := T (T E 3 v E) 2 v E).
pose (m := t_update (t_update (t_empty default) 2 v) 3 v).
assert (list2map (elements bogus) = m).
assert (¬lookup 3 bogus = m 3). {
unfold bogus, m, t_update, t_empty.
apply H.
(** Right here you see how it is proved. bogus is our old friend,
the bogus tree that does not satisfy the SearchTree property.
m is the total_map that corresponds to the elements of bogus.
The lookup function returns default at key 3,
but the map m returns v at key 3. And yet, assumption H0
claims that they should return the same thing. *)
apply H2.
apply H0.
apply H1.
Theorem lookup_relateX:
∀k t m ,
SearchTree t → AbsX t m → lookup k t = m k.
unfold AbsX in H0. subst m.
inv H. remember 0 as lo in H0.
clear - H0.
rewrite elements_slow_elements.
∀k t m ,
SearchTree t → AbsX t m → lookup k t = m k.
unfold AbsX in H0. subst m.
inv H. remember 0 as lo in H0.
clear - H0.
rewrite elements_slow_elements.
To prove this, you'll need to use this collection of facts:
In_decidable, list2map_app_left, list2map_app_right,
list2map_not_in_default, slow_elements_range. The point is,
it's not very pretty.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Coherence With elements Instead of lookup
The first definition of the abstraction relation, Abs, is "coherent" with the lookup operation, but not very coherent with the elements operation. That is, Abs treats all trees, including ill-formed ones, much the way lookup does, so it was easy to prove lookup_relate. But it was harder to prove elements_relate.