CS 414 Course Schedule

During Fall 2003, CS 414 will meet in Hollister B14

Lecture   DateTopicHWAssignments and Reading.  

Bold denotes Edition 6 of the textbook.  Italics denote Edition 5 of the textbook.

1 Week 1Aug 28Course Overview & OS Evolution. Architectural Support for the OSS&G Ch. 1

S&G Ch. 1

Sept 1.  Room, time to be announcedOptional evening review session: CS314 material we use in CS414!Slide set from 314 review session
2 Week 2Sep 2I/O Path and Hardware Architectural Support for the OS.  Device driversS&G Ch. 2, H&P Chapter 9

S&G Ch. 2

3Sep 4Race Conditions.  ProcessesS&G Ch. 4.1, 4.2, 5

S&G Ch. 3

4 Week 3Sep 9Threads & SchedulingS&G Ch. 7.1, 7.2

S&G Ch. 4, Ch. 5.1-5.5

5Sep 11Synchronization with hardware instructions.  Atomic load/storeS&G Ch. 7.3, 7.4

S&G Ch. 6.1-6.3

6 Week 4Sep 16Busy waiting, SemaphoresS&G. Ch. 7.4

S&G Ch. 6.3-6.4

Sep 18Classic Synchronization ProblemsS&G Ch. 7.5,7.6

S&G Ch. 6.5-6.8 (skip 6.9)

8 Week 5Sep 23Monitors, Condition Variables and Language SupportS&G Ch. 7.7

S&G Ch. 6

9Sep 25Deadlocks, Prevention, AvoidanceS&G Ch. 8.1-8.5

S&G Ch. 7.1-7.6

10 Week 6Oct 30Deadlocks, Detection, Recovery

Slide set from prelim 1 review session

S&G Ch. 8.5-8.7

S&G Ch. 7.6-7.8

11Oct 2Midterm 1, in classPrelim 1 solutionsEverything (including deadlocks, but not deadlock detection and recovery from Oct 2)
12 Week 7Oct 7Networking.  Ethernet and LANs Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local
Computer Networks.
R. Metcalf and D. Boggs. Communications of the ACM, 19(7): 395-403, July 1976.

S&G. Ch 15.  S&G Ch. 15.  

13 Week 8Oct 9Internet, DNS and IP.  How routing works.  Routers can drop packets: Random Early Detection (RED) mechanism (why, how)End-to-end arguments in system design; J. H. Saltzer, D. P. Reed and D. D. Clark; ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 2, 4 (Nov. 1984), Pages 277 - 288
Oct 14Fall Break: Oct 11-Oct 14
14Oct 16DNS, simple reliability problems.  How Akamai does web hosting.  IP sprayers and using short-lived DNS records and DNS bind to load-balanceHW3 S&G Ch 15.4.1.  

How the DNS worksMore DNS stuff

15 Week 9Oct 21TCP Congestion control, UDP and IP multicast.   Ken will be out of town; this lecture will be given by Sunny.  S&G 15.5 and 15.6
16Oct 23Building reliable network software.  (How TCP can break channels.  Split brain syndrome.  Consistency in a distributed failure detection problem.  Idea of a system membership and failure-detecting service.  Why such a service can solve our consistency problem)HW3 dueS&G Ch. 15.  

Reliability Through Consistency. IEEE Software (Special Issue on Safety and Reliability), May 1995. Ken Birman and Brad Glade

Note: This paper is available in the Engineering Library.  Please read it in the library or make a copy.  Don't check out the volume -- that would be antisocial.  The library should also be able to access it via the IEEE URL, which normally requires individual or institutional membership.

S&G Ch. 15

17 Week 10Oct 28Memory ManagementHW3 solutionS&G Ch. 9

S&G Ch. 8

18Oct 30Virtual MemoryS&G Ch. 10

S&G Ch. 8

19 Week 11Nov 4Page replacement, FIFO, OPT, LRUHW4S&G Ch. 10.2-10.4

S&G Ch. 8

20Nov 6Working Set Algorithm, WSOPTS&G Ch. 10.2-10.4

S&G Ch. 8

21 Week 12Nov 11Dynamically linked libraries Shared Libraries in SunOS
22Nov 13Costs of virtual memory.  Thinking of thrashing as an issue of "balance" between I/O speed and CPU speed.  Size of the page table.  Paging a page table.  Inverted page tables.HW4 solutionS&G Ch. 10

S&G Ch. 8

23 Week 13Nov 11Midterm 2Prelim 2 Solutions Everything since Midterm 1 except material covered on November 13 and 15.  Material from Nov. 15 might appear on the final.
24 Week 14Nov 13Disks.  FilesystemsS&G Ch. 11, 12.  H&P for background on disk hardware, DMA, other physical issues.

S&G Ch. 10, 11

25Nov 18More on file systemsHW5 (ungraded) Sunny's slides
26 Week 15Nov 20Distributed file systems: NFS, RAID, HW5 solution set
27Nov 25Napster, Chord and CFS (peer-to-peer systems).  PAST and Pastry. PAST paperChord paper.
Nov 26-Dec 1Thanksgiving Recess
28Dec 2In-class review prior prior to final exam, fill in course evaluations, etc. Bring any questions you may have!  We won't have any formal lecture this day.
Dec 4First chance to take the Final Exam (in class)
Closed book, cumulative


Dec 17thFinal Exam: 9-11:30am (no makeups!)Closed book, cumulative

Ken Birman