CS 414: Introduction to Operating Systems
Summer 2000
MTWR 10:00-11:15, 211 Upson

Lectures and Reading
  Syallabus for the Final
- Processes : Ch 4, 5, 6, 7 (full)
- Memory Management : Ch 8, 9 (full)
- File Systems : Ch 10 (full) Ch 11 (sections 1 to 5) (exclude section 6 from ch 11)
- IO Systems : Ch 12(sections 1 to 4) Ch 13 (sec 1 to 4)
- Security and Protection : Ch 19 (1 to 5) (case studies can be omitted). Ch 20 (sec 1 to 5).

July 26th, Wednesday :
- Virtual Memory and Paging (Tanenbaum 3.3, G & S 9.1-9.4)

July 25th, Tuesday :
- Introduction to Memory Management.

July 24th, Monday :
- Deadlock Avoidance(RAGs and Bankers Algo). (S & G, Ch. 7.5)
- Deadlock Detection and Recovery. (S & G, Ch. 7.6, S & G, Ch. 7.7)

July 20th, Thursday :
- Deadlocks, Introduction. (S & G, Ch. 7.1)
- Resource Allocation Graphs. (S & G, Ch. 7.2)
- Strategies for Handling Deadlocks. (S & G, Ch. 7.3)
- Deadlock Prevention. (S & G, Ch. 7.4)

July 19th, Wednesday :
- Classical Problems(Dining Philosophers). (S & G, Ch. 6.5)
- Critical Regions. (S & G, Ch. 6.6)
- Monitors. (S & G, Ch. 6.7)
- Java Monitors. (monitors tutorial)

July 18th, Tuesday :
- Synchronization Hardware. (S & G, Ch. 6.3)
- Semaphores. (S & G, Ch. 6.4)
- Classical Problems(Producer Consumer, Readers Writers). (S & G, Ch. 6.5, also refer to class notes)

July 17th, Monday :
- Process Synchronization, Introduction. (S & G, Ch. 6.1)
- Synchronization Algos(Peterson's, Bakery). (S & G, Ch. 6.2)

July 13th, Thursday :
- Scheduling Algos(Multilevel Queue, Multilevel Queue with Feedback). (S & G, Ch. 5.3)
- Multiprocessor Scheduling. (S & G, Ch. 5.4)
- Real Time Scheduling. (S & G, Ch. 5.5)
- extra topics covered are not in the syllabus, but questions on it are welcome.

July 12th, Wednesday :
- CPU Scheduling Characteristics. (S & G, Ch. 5.2)
- Scheduling Algos(FCFS, SJF, Priority Scheduling, Round Robin, Weighted Round Robin). (S & G, Ch. 5.3)

July 11th, Tuesday :
- Finished Threads. (S & G, Ch. 4.5)
- IPC. (S & G, Ch. 4.6)
- CPU Scheduling, Introduction. (S & G, Ch. 5.1)

July 10th, Monday :
- Process Creation and Termination. (S & G, Ch. 4.3)
- Co-operating Processes. (S & G, Ch. 4.4)
- Threads. (S & G, Ch. 4.5)

July 6th, Thursday :
- Introduction to Processes. (S & G, Ch. 4.1 - 4.2)

July 5th, Wednesday :
- IO Subsystems. (S & G, Ch. 2) (H & P, Ch. 8)
- H & P is Henessey and Patterson, 'Hardware/Software Interface'. (Not required for exams)

July 3rd, Monday :
- Introduction to OS. (S & G, Ch. 1.1, 3)
- Functions of an Operating System.

Questions? Contact ramasv@cs.cornell.edu or ranveer@cs.cornell.edu
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