CS 414: Introduction to Operating Systems
Summer 2000
MTWR 10:00-11:15, 211 Upson
How to submit your assignments?

Create a directory containing the files you wish us to grade. Call this directory xxxxx0, where xxxxx is the Cornell network id of the team member whose net id is alphabetically first (of your team). Then copy this directory to the following folder: \\Goose\courses\cs414-su00\assignment1. (assignment2, assignmnet3, and so on, for the respective assignments you are going to submit).

Don't be disturbed by warnings informing you that the file cannot be accessed after it has been copied.

Should you wish to revise your submission after you have copied it to our folder, then simply correct the files and recopy the entire directory---but this time use the name xxxxx1. Revisions to that should be named xxxxx2, and so on. We will grade only the largest-numbered file of a series. No late submissions will be accepted.

Once you copy it you will not be able to access the files. Also if you try to copy the same files twice, the second copy will fail.

Questions? Contact ramasv@cs.cornell.edu or ranveer@cs.cornell.edu
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