CS 414: Introduction to Operating Systems
Summer 2000
MTWR 10:00-11:15, 211 Upson
  posted on 18th August, Friday : The final exam and the projects have been graded. To know your grades, get in touch with us, either in person or through e-mail. The mean for the final is 56 with a standard deviation of 16.

posted on 10th August, Thursday : The syllabus for the Final has been posted on this site.

posted on 3rd August, Tuesday : The Final exam for this course will be held on the 11th of August, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. The exam will be held in Upson 211.

posted on 3rd August, Thursday : Written Assignment # 2 has been posted and so has the midterm solutions . Note that a change has also been made in programming Assignment # 3.

posted on 1st August, Tuesday : Assignment 3 has been posted.

posted on 23rd July, Sunday : The FAQ will have clarifications to the common doubts on the assignments.

posted on 21st July, Friday : The programming and written assignments have been posted. The programming assignment is due on the 30th of July, at 10pm, and the written assignment is due in class on Wednesday, the 26th of July.

posted on 20th July, Thursday : This is a list of submissions we have received for Assignment 1. If anyone believes that he/she had made a submission, and your name is not in the list, contact either instructor immediately.

posted on 17th July, Monday : There is a change in the office hours today!! Instead of Rama, I(Ranveer) will be taking the office hours from 2:00 - 3:00pm in 4162 Upson.

posted on 15th July, Saturday : Assignment 1 can be submitted till Monday 10pm, but all submissions received after Sunday 10pm will be penailzed, that is we will deduct some points from your grade of this assignment.

posted on 15th July, Saturday : Procedure to transfer file between NT and UNIX has been posted.

posted on 13th July, Thursday : Procedure to submit the assignments has been posted.

posted on 12th July, Wednesday : The Prelim will be held on the 31st of July, Monday. The time and venue will be announced later.

posted on 11th July, Tuesday : how to use Java in CSUGLab (NT & UNIX) and how to access UNIX in CSUGLab.

posted on 11th July, Tuesday : Tutorial on how to use java threads and unix processes. Today at 9PM in Upson 211.

posted on 7th July, Friday : Assignment 1 has been posted.

posted on 6th July, Thursday : Hope all of you have CSUGLAB accounts. Those who do not, please get in touch with either of us, and get your account by Friday, so that you can begin work on your assignment this weekend.

posted on 5th July, Wednesday : Course Newsgroup is up!! cornell.class.cs414

posted on 3rd July, Monday : No class on Fridays!! Those who missed the class on Monday, please fill out the information sheet and return it on Wednesday.

Questions? Contact ramasv@cs.cornell.edu or ranveer@cs.cornell.edu
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