CS 414-415

FALL 2000

Info Form and Waiver

Name: _______________________________________________________

ID Number: ___________________________________________________

Local Address: _________________________________________________

Local Phone: __________________________________________________

Net ID: ________________________________________________________

IMPORTANT: If you want your grades to be posted, you must sign the following waiver.

I, ____________________________, consent to the use of my Student ID number for the purpose of posting of grades for CS 414-415 for the Fall 2000 semester, thereby waiving my rights in this regard under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. I understand that such consent is not required by the University, and I affirm that it is in all respects freely and voluntarily given.

I understand that this waiver will be retained by the instructor in charge of the course for a period of one year following its expiration.


Signature, Date

If you do not wish to sign the waiver, enter a four-digit number below, and make a note of it. This number will be used instead of your ID number to post your grades. If you do enter the four-digit number, make sure you do not forget it!

_____ _____ _____ _____