CS 412/413
Introduction to Compilers

Spring 2006
Cornell University

Older announcements:

  • Project presentations: Monday May 15, in CSUGLab Upson 361, 2pm.
  • Here is a version of the libic.a library that should work with the older cygwin version that is installed in the CSUGlab.
  • Reminder: Prelim Exam 2 this week, Thursday April 27, 7:30pm, in HO 110.
  • Apr 24: we've fixed a bug in the array allocation library function __allocateArray(n). Please download the updated versions of libic.a and libic.linux.a.
  • Project 5 has been assigned. Due Friday May 5.
  • Bonus points are available in Project 4 for implementing (PRE) Partial Redundancy Elimination.
  • Project 4 has been assigned. Due Wednesday Apr 19.
  • Homework 4 has been posted. Due Monday Apr 17.
  • Reminder: Prelim 1 is Thursday, March 9, at 7:30pm in Hollister 110.
  • Mar 8. Typo in hw3: the premise subtyping rule in problem 3(b) must be T' < T (not T < T').
  • Mar 5: Project 3 has been assigned. It is due Friday March 31. Check out the supporting material for this assignment.
  • Feb 23: Homework 3 has been assigned. Due Monday Mar 13.
  • Feb 21: types and subtyping in IC have been augmented with a null type for null references. See the updated IC spec document, sections 7 and 15.
  • Homework 1 and solutions can be picked up from the homework distribution room, in Upson 360, weekdays between 10am-noon and 2-4pm.
  • Feb 8: The IC spec has been slightly revised. Please check out the latest version.
  • Project 2 has been assigned. Due Feb. 28
  • Homework 2 has been assigned. Due Monday Feb 20.
  • Project groups have been finalized. Check out your group number.
  • Project 1 has been assigned. Due Feb. 7
  • Homework 1 has been assigned. Due Feb. 3
  • First class: Jan 23, 10:10 am in HO 110.

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