This is a survey to get some idea of what you already know. Circle those topics that are familiar to you (i.e., you have used them during programming and/or you have a clear understanding of how/why they work). Circle all answers that apply.
Java C C++ Matlab Fortran Pascal Other (specify)
Infinite sums
(e.g., geometric series)Proofs by
relationsAsymptotic notation
(e.g., big-O, big-Omega, etc.)
Simple linked structures
(stacks, lists, queues)Hashtables Binary Search Trees Priority Queues
(adjacency list or adjacency matrix)Balanced Trees
(red/black, AVL, or 234 trees)
Divide & Conquer Greedy Algorithms Dynamic Programming
I am most interested in the use of data structures and algorithms in the area(s) of:
Biology Physics Business/Economics Chemistry Mathematics Astronomy Engineering (specify) Other (specify)