Homework 10 Solution
CS409 - Spring 2000
Due: Thursday, Apr 20
- (10 pts) Consider a binary counter with operations Increment
and Clear. Increment adds one to the current value of the counter; it
takes time proportional to the number of binary digits that are
changed. Clear resets the counter to zero.
- Assume that only Increment operations are used. Show that the
amortized time per operation is O(1).
The important observation is that even though a single Increment
operation can cause lots of bits to change, there is only a single 1-bit
that is created; the other changes are all 1-bit into 0-bit. We
charge 2 credits for each Increment operation. The operation pays
one credit to start itself and stores the extra credit with the single
1-bit that the operation creates. The rest of the work (1-bits into
0-bits) is paid for by the credit stored with each 1-bit. It's
easy to see this scheme provides enough credits to complete the
operation, so the amortized time per operations is O(1).
- Assume that both Increment and Clear operations are used. Describe how to implement Clear and show that the amortized time per
operation is still O(1). (Hint: Keep track of the highest-order bit that
is set to 1.)
The hint tells us how to implement the Clear operation: we just start
at the highest-order 1-bit and move right, setting all bits to 0.
Now we need to show that we still need just a constant number of bits
charged per operation. We charge 3 credits for each increment
operation and one credit for each Clear operation. The first two
Increment credits are used, as in the text, to set a bit to 1 and to
store a credit with this 1; the remaining credit is stored with the
counter. The number of credits stored with the counter is always
equal to the current value of the counter (which is considerably more
than the length of the counter --- the amount of credit that we really
need to do a Clear). Thus there are always sufficiently many
credits available (stored with the counter) to accomplish a
Clear-operation. Since O(1) credits are charged for each operation
and since there are always enough credits available to accomplish these
operations, the amortized time per operation is O(1).
- (10 pts) Show that Sorting reduces to EMST in linear time.
Sorting Problem: Given n numbers, return them in sorted order. EMST Problem:
Given n points in the plane, find the Minimum Spanning Tree of the points;
the cost of connecting a pair of points is equal to the Euclidean distance
(i.e., the standard, everyday distance) between the points.
(Hint: Think about how we showed that Sorting reduces to Convex Hull.)
We have to show how a Sorting Problem can be solved by making use of a
subroutine call to an (imaginary) algorithm for solving EMST. Suppose
we are given a sorting problem consisting of n numbers. We take each
number and map it to the corresponding point (in the plane) on the x-axis.
Now we use these points as input to the EMST algorithm. Observe that
the Minimum Spanning Tree for points along a line consists of segments
connecting adjacent points. Assuming the the EMST is reported to us as
an undirected graph G, we can find the leftmost point in linear time.
We can then use start from this leftmost point to find the remaining points
in order from smallest to largest. We then report the x-coordinate of
this sorted list of points to produce the sorted list of our original
- (20 pts) We need an ADT with the operations Insert, GetMax
(report the maximum item and delete it from the data structure), and
ReportMin (report the minimum value without deleting it from the data
structure). For each set of
requirements listed below, describe a data structure for the ADT that fits
the requirements or show that there is no such data structure.
(Note: n is the number of
items currently held in the data structure.)
- All operations take worst-case time O(log n).
One way to do this is to use a balanced tree (e.g., a red-black
tree). It can also be done by using a max-heap with an extra word
to store the current minimum.
- GetMax and ReportMin each take worst-case time O(1).
A sorted array (sorted from smallest to largest) works here.
Insert is slow, O(n).
- Insert and GetMax each take worst-case time O(1).
There is no data structure that can do this (assuming that
comparisons are being used). If there were such a data structure
then we could use it to sort n numbers in O(n) time by inserting all the
numbers and the repeatedly using GetMax.
- Insert and ReportMin each take worst-case time O(1).
An unsorted linked-list (or array) works here, but we need to use an
extra word to keep track of the current minimum item. For Insert,
we update the current minimum if necessary and then put the new item on
the end of the list. For ReportMin, we report the current
minimum. For GetMax, we have to search through the whole list (O(n)
time). Note that we can't just use an extra word to keep track of
the current maximum item. Such an extra word would allow us to
report the current max in O(1) time, but we would then have to update
the current max value and this would require a search.