Homework 6 Solution
CS409 - Spring 2000
Due: Thursday, Mar 16
Note added on 3/15: Problem 1d on HW06 is more difficult than I meant it
to be. The solution to 1d is T(n) = O(n log2n), but this
requires an inductive proof.
- (5 pts) Give tight big-O bounds for T(n) in each of the
following recurrences. Assume T(1) = 1.
- T(n) = T(n/2) + 1
Answer: T(n) = O(log n)
- T(n) = 2T(n/2) + log n
Answer: T(n) = O(n)
- T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n
Answer: T(n) = O(n log n)
- T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n log n
Answer: T(n) = O(n log2n)
- T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n2
Answer: T(n) = O(n2)
- (5 pts) Here's the pseudocode for a recursive algorithm.
What is the recurrence for this algorithm?
doSomething(array A) returns integer {
n = size(A);
if (n < 5) return some-easy-to-compute-value;
Divide A into n/5 groups each of size 5;
Choose an item from each group and place it in array B;
i = doSomething(B);
Use i (somehow) to select just part of A in O(n) time;
Copy this part of A into array C (C is of size 3n/4);
return doSomething(C);
For this algorithm, the recurrence is T(n) = T(n/5) + T(3n/4) + O(n).
The code above is derived from a real algorithm: it's the method for doing
selection (finding the k-th element) in worst-case linear time.
(10 pts) Do problem 3-11 on page 79 of Skiena.
- If you know what k is then you know that the smallest element is in
position (k mod n) where n is the size of the array. Thus the
largest element is in position (k-1) mod n. [The answer here
depends on whether arrays start at 1 or 0 --- I've assumed they start at
- If you don't know k then the idea is to use binary search to locate
the largest element. We assume that the elements are distinct (if
not then the problem can't be solved within the allotted time: consider
an array in which all elements are the same except for one large one).
We first determine the element A[1]. This element tells us how to locate
the "border" between large elements and small elements: large
elements are greater than A[1] and should be clustered near the
beginning of the array and small elements are less than A[1] and should
be clustered near the end of the array. We now perform binary
search, moving right in the array when we encounter a large number and
left when we encounter a small one. Once we locate the border
between large and small, we report the number on the left of the
border. This takes time O(log n) because each step cuts the number
of elements involved in half.
- (10 pts) Do problem 3-12 on page 80 of Skiena.
Note that once you find a number larger than its index position, there is
no way for a later number to match its own index position. In other
words, A[i] > i for some i implies that A[i+j} > i+j for all
j>0. This is because we need j numbers to fill in the array
positions between A[i+1] and A[i+j]; these numbers need to be both distinct
and sorted. This information is enough to allow a kind of binary
search. The rules are: (1) if A[i] < i then we move right; (2) if
A[i] > i then we move left; (3) if A[i]=i then we report it, check on
each side of i for an adjacent block of such numbers to report, and quit.
- (10 pts) Divide & Conquer can be used to design a technique for
building a
heap. Consider the following algorithm: Choose some item x (the first
item in the array, for instance). Make the remaining items into two
separate, smaller heaps (recursively). Use x as the root of a heap
with the two smaller heaps as the children of x and use the bubble-down
operation (as discussed in class) to fix up the heap.
- What is the recurrence relation for this algorithm? Note that all of
the operations described above can be done in-place (i.e., we
don't need any extra space aside from the array holding the items), so
there is no cost for copying data between data structures.
The recurrence is T(n) = 2T(n/2) + log n.
- What is the solution to this recurrence? or How long does it take to
build a heap using this method?
The solution is T(n) = n. Thus, it takes linear time to build a
heap using this method. A variation of this method is the fastest
method known for building a heap: the recursion used here is not really
necessary since you can start heap-building at the leaves and work your
way up.
- How long does it take to build a heap by using Insert to add elements
to the heap one at a time?
Each Insert operation take time O(log n). Thus the total
running time is O(n log n). It's possible to show that this bound
is tight.
Addendum: For those interested, here's the induction proof
for problem 1d: T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n log n.
Claim: T(n) < An log2n where A is a constant (independent of
n) yet to be determined.
Basis: T(2) = 2T(1) + 2 = 4 by the recurrence (assuming T(1) = 1).
Thus the claim holds provided A is greater than 2.
Induction: Suppose T(k) < Ak log2k for k < n. Then
using the recurrence, we have
T(n) < 2(A(n/2) log2(n/2)) + n log n = An (log n - 1)2
+ n log n.
Rearranging terms, we have:
T(n) < An log2n + [An - (2A-1)n log n].
This gives us the answer we want if we can make the quantity in the brackets be
less than 0, but this works for almost any value of A. In particular it
works for A = 3.
Thus, we know T(n) < 3n log2n. Or T(n) = O (n log2n).