Group Project 4 - MIPS Interpreter

CS 3410 Fall 2018

Project Due: November 5, 2018 at 11:59pm

Late Policy: Two slip days can be used for the final submission. If a slip day is used, it will be used for both partners.

Please submit all required documents to CMS.

This is a partner project. You can ONLY work with your assigned partner. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in an Academic Integrity Violation. You will be assigned different partners for each upcoming projects. Updates to this assignment will be posted on the course web page.


In this project, you will be implementing a (partial) MIPS interpreter in C. Your interpreter will support a subset of the instructions that you implemented in Logisim in Project 2, as well as memory instructions.

We provide several starter files, which you should familiarize yourself with before beginning the project. Your job is to implement everything marked as // TODO:.

While it is certainly possible to use the native C compiler on your machine, we highly suggest that you make sure that your implementation works in either the course-provided VM, or SSH on the UGCLinux machines. Our autograder will be grading your assignment using the same environment as the VM/SSH.

What to Submit

  • A complete implementation of linkedlist.c
  • A complete implementation of hashtable.c
  • A complete implementation of mips.c
  • A git commit history obtained using the command git log on your repository


In the shared Github repository between you and your partner, you should find starter files. We recommend taking a look at the header files (*.h) and the source files (*.c).

A Makefile is provided to help with compiling your code. As you progress through each section of this project, there will be a make target that you can use to compile the main function. This will generate an executable that you can run to test your code.

The available options for make are as follows:

  1. make linkedlist
  2. make hashtable
  3. make mips_interpreter

By default, make will create the mips_interpreter executable to run.

Simulating Memory

Since you will be supporting memory instructions, you need to have a way to represent memory.

A naive attempt would allocate a large array with 2^31 elements, and directly index into the array for each memory request. However, this poses certain limitations:

  • the majority of the array will be unused, leading to waste
  • it may not always be possible to allocate 2^31 bytes of memory for a single process (OS limitation)

Thus, we require you to simulate memory in a specific way, as specified below, which addresses both of the above limitations.

Associative Linked List

You may already be familiar with the notion of an associative linked list. It is one way to represent a dictionary, or a set of key-value mappings. Each node contains a key, a value, and a pointer to the next node. In this case, we are working with mappings from a 32-bit integer (the key, representing a memory address) to another 32-bit integer (the value at the given address).

The associative linked list can be visualized as follows:

Associative Linked List

For this part of the project, it will be valuable to familiarize yourself with pointers and structs (refer to Lab 8 and Lab 9).

Begin by implementing an associative linked list in linkedlist.c. The specification of each function can be found in linkedlist.h.

  • linkedlist_t *ll_init()
  • void ll_add(linkedlist_t *list, int key, int value)
  • int ll_get(linkedlist_t *list, int key)
  • int ll_size(linkedlist_t *list)

Run make linkedlist to create a linkedlist executable to run. This will run the code found in linkedlist_main.c.

While an associative linked list can certainly simulate memory, it has performance limitations. You may have noticed that as you insert more key-value pairs into the linked list, the time it takes to find the matching key grows linearly. That is, the data structure provides an O(n) lookup. Let's see if we can use a different data structure to achieve a better performance.

Hash Table

You will now simulate memory in this project using a hash table, which provides much better performance than the associative linked list from the previous section. Once again, you are working with mappings from a 32-bit integer (the key, representing a memory address) to another 32-bit integer (the value at the given address).

To implement your hashtable, you MUST use your linked list implementation. That is, you should represent the buckets in your hash table using associative linked lists, which you previously implemented. It can be visualized as follows:

Hash Table

Implement the following functions in hashtable.c. The specification of each function can be found in hashtable.h.

  • hashtable_t *ht_init(int num_buckets)
  • void ht_add(hashtable_t *table, int key, int value)
  • int ht_get(hashtable_t *table, int key)
  • int ht_size(hashtable_t *table)

You do not need to worry about the resizing case of a traditional hashtable. We intentionally use a fixed number of buckets, and will initialize your hashtable with a high number of buckets when grading the performance of your hashtable. Similarly, feel free to use a high number of buckets to simulate memory in your mips interpreter, but do keep in mind memory constraints of the system (i.e. you don't need 2^31 buckets).

Run make hashtable to create a hashtable executable to run. This will run the code found in hashtable_main.c.


For this part of the project, you should implement the init() and step() functions in mips.c. The specification for these functions can be found in mips.h.

String Parsing

You will need to convert a string corresponding to a MIPS instruction to something that you can subsequently work with. Hence, you will have to do some string splitting. You may already be familiar with the tools available for string splitting; if not, it is worth reading up on them

You have probably noticed that MIPS instructions follow a certain format depending on the type of operation. Before you begin implementing anything, we strongly suggest that you take a look at the get_op_type function provided in mips.c. We recommend that you use this, as it will likely make things simpler for you.

Spaces should not affect the correctness of your interpreter. For example:

  • addiu $1,$0,12 should be handled the same way as addiu   $1,  $0 ,   12
  • sw $1,11($0) should be handled the same way as sw   $1 , 11  ( $0  )

Your interpreter should support both decimal and hexadecimal immediate values. This means that the following are equivalent:

  • addiu $2, $0, 17 should be equivalent to addiu $2, $0, 0x11
  • sw $5, 17($0) should be equivalent to sw $5, 0x11($0)


Your interpreter must support the following operations (Instructions that are crossed out do not need to be supported, though you are welcome to.)

Immediate arithmetic ADDIU, ANDI, ORI, XORI, SLTI, SLTIU
Register arithmetic ADDU, SUBU, AND, OR, XOR, NOR, SLT, SLTU
Shifts (constant and variable) SLL, SRL, SRA, SLLV, SRLV, SRAV
Immediate load LUI
Memory Load/Store (little endian) LW, LB, LBU, SW, SB

Don’t overthink these; most of them can be done quite simply. However, take note of edge cases and check that your interpreter behaves as specified in the MIPS reference manual.

Memory is little-endian. We recommend implementing memory as byte-addressed, which will allow each memory address (0x00000000, 0x00000001, ...) to exist as keys in your simulated memory, mapping to a value of a single byte. Other address modes are welcome (such as word-addressed), but discouraged.

All MIPS instructions that are passed into your interpreter will be well-formed. This means that the operation will be in the list of supported operations above, registers will be valid $[0-31], immediates will be a maximum of 16-bits in either decimal or hexadecimal notation, at least one space follows the operation, and commas are used as the separator between tokens (there can still be any number of spaces).

Formally, all instructions satisfy the regex format (though, the set of tokens may not match the format of the operation):
[a-z]+ +\$[0-9]+ *, *((\$[0-9]+ *, *(\$[0-9]+|(0x[0-9a-f]+|-?[0-9]+)))|(0x[0-9a-f]+|-?[0-9]+)( *\( *\$[0-9]+ *\))?)

The Main Program

Run make mips_interpreter to create a mips_interpreter executable to run. This will run the code found in mips_interpreter.c.

To simulate instructions, type them in after running ./mips_interpreter. When you are done, press Ctrl+D to show the final values in the registers after evaluation. To automate this process, feel free to use redirection from a file as shown in Lab 7.

Debugging. The provided mips_interpreter.c has a -d flag that can be passed on the command line to enable debugging. Debugging mode will print out each instruction that is executed, along with the instruction's line number. i.e. (DEBUG:<line number>)> <instruction>

Your debugging output should look something like this:

./mips_interpreter -d < test.txt
(DEBUG:1)> addiu $1,$0,12
(DEBUG:2)> addiu $2, $0, 0x11
r[0] = 0x0
r[1] = 0xc
r[2] = 0x11
r[3] = 0x0
r[4] = 0x0

Starting values. It is possible to initialize a register with a 32-bit value for testing. The special comment directive ## start[<r>] = <value> can be placed anywhere in your test program to set the value in register <r> to <value>. For example, ## start[4] = 0x123 will set the value of register 4 to 0x123.

Try writing some sample programs to verify the correctness of your MIPS Interpreter! :)

Notes & Hints

Help. Ask the instructor, TAs and consultants for help. We also expect to see most students in office hours during the course of the project. Extra hours will be scheduled as needed. Also check Piazza for more help.

Read the docs. Refer to the MIPS manual often.

What to do first. We suggest that you implement all required functions in the same order as the sections appear in this writeup. We recommend attempting to simulate the memory using an associative linked list first, before attempting to simulate the memory with a hash table.

Modifications. You only need to modify linkedlist.c, hashtable.c, mips.c. Modification of any other files is not permitted, as our autograder will grade using the default version of these files, without your changes. For example, you may not add another struct definition to mips.h.

Acknowledgments. Concept for this project derived from