VM and Unix Lab
CS3410 Spring 2014
Due in lab week of Mar. 25
Goal for Today
Successfully set up a virtual machine and copy to and from it.
VM stands for Virtual Machine. It is a software emulation of hardware.
By using a VM, you can have the same hardware and software environment that CSUG has,
ensuring that the same behaviour you see on your computer will be the same when we grade it.
What to do?
The official page for the VM has pretty extensive instructions for acquiring the image and
software required, as well as instructions for how to set them up. Follow along on that page and
complete the check-list below
- Download the image (either one is fine)
- Download and install VirtualBox or VMWare Player
- Import/Setup the image
- Login as root (user:root, password: csuglab)
- Create your own user
- Add yourself to the sudoer's file
- Login as the user you created (hint: type exit to logout)
- Make sure you have internet "ping google.com"
- Perform an update "sudo yum update"
- If you downloaded the GUI version (x11), "startx" to start the GUI
- Copy helloworld.txt and helloworld.jpg from /courses/cs3410/ to your VM
- SSH to your VM from your real machine
- Copy helloworld.txt and helloworld.jpg from your VM to your real machine
- Have a TA check you off on your file.
More Info
For more info on UNIX, see man, Linux Pocket Guide (2nd Edition) by Daniel J. Barrett and slides
located here