Remember that we expect you to work in groups of two for all programming assignments.
Overview In PA 2 you will complete the processor design you started in PA 1. Your basic execution loop from the previous assignment should contain most of the major components, with the exception of RAM for the load/store instructions. For this assignment, we will use a split-memory design: The Program ROM will store a read-only copy of the instructions, and a separate Logisim RAM will be used to store data for the program's execution.
You will now implement all the other instructions including load/stores, jumps and branches. It is now required that you correctly implement the delay slot, which means that the instruction immediately following a jump is always executed, and any relative addresses or significant bits are based on that address and not the address of the jump instruction itself.
Important:Consult the MIPS Handbook and make sure that all aspects of each of the instructions is implemented exactly as specified in the handbook.
Academic Integrity As one of the most widely studied architectures, MIPS has a wealth of information available on the web and in textbooks. You may consult any of the MIPS architecture documentation available to you in order to learn about the instruction set, what each instruction does, etc. But we expect your design to be entirely your own. If you are unsure if it is okay to borrow from some other source, just ask the TAs, and give credit in your final writeup. If you are unsure about asking the TAs, then it is probably not okay. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated.
What to implement In PA 1, the memory stage of the pipeline was a passthrough doing nothing. In PA 2, you will add load and store memory operations and populate that part of the pipeline. You will now implement all of the instructions in Table B, that you had only decoded in the PA 1. You will assume there is a delay slot for the jump and branches. You will also add the insertion of a bubble in the pipeline for loads/stores (if needed).
Table B | |
Jumps (with a delay slot) | J, JR, JAL, JALR |
Branches (with a delay slot) | BEQ, GNE, BLEZ, BGTZ |
Memory Load/Store (with a stall in pipeline if needed) | LW, SW |
Our testing programs will include a mixture of all the instructions from PA 1 and PA 2.
- Write a test program that fully tests all of the features you have implemented. This is a critical step, and you should spend a fair amount of time developing a comprehensive set of test programs that exercise all of the different parts of your processor.
- We would also like you to test your program on a complex
computation: Fibonacci. Fibonacci numbers are described as:
- F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1
- F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)
- Recursive Fibonacci: This is the easiest to write, but
very slow to compute. We will only use this recursive evaluation for
values of N less than 4 or 5 (higher values of N make Logisim unhappy).
int fibonacci(int n) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n == 1) return 1;
return fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2);
- Iterative Fibonacci: The same series can be computed
iteratively as in this snippet of code.
int fibonacci(int n) {
int u = 0, v = 1, i, t;
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n == 1) return 1;
for(i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
t = u + v;
u = v;
v = t;
return v;
- Memoization for Fibonacci: We can store the previously
computed Fibonacci numbers in an array (memoization) and reuse
them as needed. In this snippet of code we assume that we are going to
compute at most F(10).
int fibonacci (int n) {
int F[10], i;
/* setup the F array to initially be uninitialized, except for 0 and 1*/
F[0] = 0; F[1] = 1; for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) {F[i] = -1;}
if (n == 0) {return 0;}
if (n == 1) {return 1;}
return fib (n, F);
int fib (int n, int* array) {
int a, b;
/* Check if F[n-2] has already been computed */
if (F[n-2] == -1) {
a = fib (n-2, F);
F[n-2] = a;
} else {
a = F[n-2];
/* Check if F[n-1] has already been computed */
if (F[n-1] == -1) {
b = fib (n-1, F);
F[n-1] = b;
} else {
b = F[n-1];
return a+b;
What to submit Submit:
- A single Logisim project file containing your processor.
- A test program that exercise the instructions and features of the
processor enough to convince the staff of its correctness. Please
comment your program, indicating what it is doing and what results
should be expected when running the program.
Test files containing MIPS assembly for the 3 different versions of fibonacci.
- Turn in a block diagram of your processor showing all the major components and connections between them. Please label them. In your diagram, you do not, but can if you wish, draw internal components.
- A written description of your decoding logic
- Turn in a short description of each of the components in your processor
Tips and Suggestions
- Refer to the MIPS manual for a full specification of the MIPS ISA. You will need to refer to it often.
- Ask the TAs and consultants for help. You can contact us through the course staff mailing list or the class newsgroup. We also expect to see most students in office hours during the course of the project. Extra hours will be scheduled as needed.
- If you suspect a bug in Logisim or the cs3410 library, ask the course staff for help. There is a known bug having to do with bus splitters when the simulation is running. It is best to turn the simulator off when editing the wire ordering on a bus splittter. This does not cause any data loss, but you might have to restart Logisim.
- Do a pencil-and-paper design for all components before implementing in Logisim. We will penalize poorly laid-out designs that are hard to understand.
- You can ignore any MIPS instruction or feature not mentioned in
this document, and can assume that your processor will never encounter
anything but legal instructions from the list above. In addition:
- Assume traps or exceptions will not occur (i.e., do not implement them).
Logisim and cs3410 Library Guide
MIPS (subset) Assembly Syntax
Some examples of instructions are:
Jumps | J 0x24 J my_label JR $31 |
Branches | BEQ $5, $6, -12 BEQ $5, $6, my_loop_top BLEZ $9, 16 BLEZ $9, my_loop_done |
Memory Load/Store | LW $12, -4($30) SW $12, 0($30) |
MIPS (subset) Opcode Summary (from the MIPS Handbook)
NB: Items in white are required for PA1 and PA2. Make sure to decode all of them.
opcode | bits 28..26 → | ||||||||
↓ bits 31..29 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
000 | 001 | 010 | 011 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111 | ||
0 | 000 | SPECIAL δ | REGIMM δ | J | JAL | BEQ | BNE | BLEZ | BGTZ |
1 | 001 | ADDI | ADDIU | SLTI | SLTIU | ANDI | ORI | XORI | LUI |
2 | 010 | COP0 δ | COP1 δ | COP2 θδ | COP3 θδ | BEQL φ | BNEL φ | BLEZL φ | BGTZL Φ |
3 | 011 | β | β | β | β | SPECIAL2 δ | JALX ε | ε | * |
4 | 100 | LB | LH | LWL | LW | LBU | LHU | LWR | β |
5 | 101 | SB | SH | SWL | SW | β | β | SWR | CACHE |
6 | 110 | LL | LWC1 | LWC2 θ | PREF | β | LDC1 | LDC2 θ | β |
7 | 111 | SC | SWC1 | SWC2 θ | * | β | SDC1 | SDC2 θ | β |
function | bits 2..0 → | ||||||||
↓ bits 5..3 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
000 | 001 | 010 | 011 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111 | ||
0 | 000 | SLL | MOVCI δ | SRL | SRA | SLLV | * | SRLV | SRAV |
1 | 001 | JR | JALR | MOVZ | MOVN | SYSCALL | BREAK | * | SYNC |
2 | 010 | MFHI | MTHI | MFLO | MTLO | β | * | β | β |
3 | 011 | MULT | MULTU | DIV | DIVU | β | β | β | β |
4 | 100 | ADD | ADDU | SUB | SUBU | AND | OR | XOR | NOR |
5 | 101 | * | * | SLT | SLTU | β | β | β | β |
6 | 110 | TGE | TGEU | TLT | TLTU | TEQ | * | TNE | * |
7 | 111 | β | * | β | β | β | * | β | β |