CS3410 Homework 3: FAQ


How to log into your CSUGLAB account:

 (1) Download Putty or some other SSH client.

 (2) The hostname is "csug01.csuglab.cornell.edu" -- use your csuglab
     credentials to log in.

How to set up the project:

 (1) Download it directly into CSUG from the commandline with "wget":

 wget http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs3410/2008fa/HW/HW3/cache.tar.gz

     Alternatively, you can download the file in another operating
     system and use "WinSCP" or some other SCP client to transer it

 (2) Unzip it and get started!

 tar -xvzf cache.tar.gz

How to run a test:

 (1) You need to "make" the cache and the tests:

 cd ~/cache
 cd tests

 (2) Go back to the cache directory and run one of the tests:

 cd ~/cache
 ./simulate tests/test1