Class Sessions

This page includes the instructions for the most recent class session, as well as an indication of where it will be located: Zoom or in person. Days are listed reverse order, so the most recent day is always first.

We do not record lectures in this course. You are expected to attend in order to learn the material.

Mar. 25. Sensing & Perception

Sensing & Perception

Sensing is the most expensive part of the sense-think-act cycle. In this lecture we show how to optimize this part of the process, so that we can increase the complexity of our NPC behavior.    More ›

March 25, 2022 Upson 142 LECTURE

Mar. 24. Technical Playtest

Technical Playtest

Today’s class will be spent playtesting the technical prototype. In order for this session to work, you must have created a release before the start of class.    More ›

March 24, 2022 Snee 1120 PLAYTEST

Mar. 23. Character Behavior

Character Behavior

When people think about game AI, character behavior is the thing that they usually think of first. How do we control NPCs to move and act without any input?    More ›

March 23, 2022 Upson 142 LECTURE

Mar. 22. Technical Prototype

Technical Prototype

This class is a continuation of the technical prototype. It is important that you show up to class on time.    More ›

March 22, 2022 Upson 142 DELIVERABLE

Mar. 21. Technical Prototype

Technical Prototype

Today’s class is the second software presentation, known as the technical prototype. It is important that you show up to class on time.    More ›

March 21, 2022 Upson 142 DELIVERABLE