Class Sessions

This page includes the instructions for the most recent class session, as well as an indication of where it will be located: Zoom or in person. Days are listed reverse order, so the most recent day is always first.

We do not record lectures in this course. You are expected to attend in order to learn the material.

Feb. 2. Rules and Mechanics

Rules and Mechanics

Before you start to program your game, you need a better understanding of how it is actually played. In this lecture we take a deeper look at how game mechanics work. This is the first of a series on rules.    More ›

February 2, 2022 Zoom LECTURE

Feb. 1. Idea Formation

Idea Formation

In this lab you will immediately start thinking about ideas for your game. If you have attended lecture, you will now know enough about what we are expecting you to focus on in this stage of development. The challenge is coming up with something feasible.    More ›

February 1, 2022 Zoom ENGRC

Jan. 31. Game Components

Game Components

As you begin work on your game, understand that not everyone will be programming. In this lecture we show how we devide up game development to take advantage of your multidisciplinary team.    More ›

January 31, 2022 Zoom LECTURE

Jan. 28. Design Elements

Design Elements

Before you propose your game idea, you need to understand the basic design vocabulary we will be using. Otherwise, you are very likely to pitch a narrative that does not have a clearly defined ludic focus.    More ›

January 28, 2022 Zoom LECTURE

Jan. 27. Game Lab 1

Game Lab 1

These first set of labs are to get you started right away, so that you can understand that scope of what you are going to work on. These are essentially homework assignments that you get to spend class time getting help with.    More ›

January 27, 2022 Zoom GAME LAB