Class Sessions

This page includes the instructions for the most recent class session, as well as an indication of where it will be located: Zoom or in person. Days are listed reverse order, so the most recent day is always first.

We do not record lectures in this course. You are expected to attend in order to learn the material.

Feb. 9. Prototyping


It is time to start thinking about how to implement your project. In this lecture, we talk about how to take this big project and break it up into smaller prototypes.    More ›

February 9, 2022 Upson 142 LECTURE

Feb. 8. Concept Workshop

Concept Workshop

The purpose of this lab is to give you time to work on the concept document. This is an important document, so make use of the class time to get help from the course staff.    More ›

February 8, 2022 Snee 1120 ENGRC

Feb. 7. Economies and Balance

Economies and Balance

in our final lecture on game mechanics, we address the issue of game balance. In particular, we show it is tightly connected to your game economy.    More ›

February 7, 2022 Upson 142 LECTURE

Feb. 4. Uncertainty and Risk

Uncertainty and Risk

In our second lecture on game mechanics, we look at the nature of uncertainty and risk. While it is fine to have randomness in your game, it should be handled appropriately.    More ›

February 4, 2022 Zoom LECTURE

Feb. 3. Game Lab 2

Game Lab 2

The second lab of this class gets into some technical topics (for both programmers and designers) that we will not touch on for several weeks. Programmers often find this the most challenging of the four labs.    More ›

February 3, 2022 Snee 1120 GAME LAB