Class Sessions

This page includes the instructions for the most recent class session, as well as an indication of where it will be located: Zoom or Discord. Days are listed reverse order, so the most recent day is always first.

We will also occasionally post Zoom recordings on this page. However, we will not always promise to record class sessions (particularly workdays or discussions held in Discord). However, we will record all critiques and deliverable presentations.

Apr. 21. WORKDAY


Today’s class is a free period to work on the latest assignment. Zoom will be open for office hour style questions.  

April 21, 2021 Zoom WORKDAY

Apr. 20. Manual Workshop

Manual Workshop

You do have a document to work on before the wellness days start – the game manual. The purpose of this class is to give you some time to work on it.    More ›

April 20, 2021 Discord ENGRC

Apr. 19. Script Design

Script Design

This class session assumes material from Video 23.

This class is an optional discussion where I want us to brainstorm ways that we can improve playtesting in this COVID world.    More ›

April 19, 2021 Zoom DISCUSSION

Apr. 15. Code Walkthrough

Code Walkthrough

Since alpha release is the time to finalize your code architecture, it is time to look at how you did. In this ENGRC you will be presenting your code to other groups and getting feedback on your design decisions.    More ›

April 15, 2021 Discord ENGRC

Apr. 14. Alpha Release

Alpha Release

Today’s class is the final day of the alpha release. See the instructions for the presentation sechedule.    More ›

April 14, 2021 Zoom DELIVERABLE