Communication Lab 4
Paper Prototyping
Due: Saturday, January 18th at 11:59 pm
During today's discussion you will be working on your on two tasks. First, you will
be revising your concept document.
Hopefully you have received your document back with comments at this time. You are
to submit a revision this weekend responding to our comments.
In addition, you should start thinking ahead about the
nondigital prototype,
which you will present in class next week. We have an activity in this lab
to help you design this prototype.
Revising the Concept Document
If we told you that your idea is sound, then you should not need to spend to much time
revising your idea. Instead, you should spend your time addressing our comments about
your presentation. This may be making statements more concise, fixing formatting issues,
or improving your competitive analysis. If you are unsure of how to respond to our
comments (e.g. it is not always obvious what makes something "punchy") take advantage
of class time to call over a staff member
to help you.
If we are less enamored with your idea, then you need to get immediately. In this case,
we will send a staff member to meet with your group at the start of class. Your primary
goal in this case is to get a workable game idea.
Nondigital Prototype
For some people, the nondigital prototype is the hardest prototype, because it is so
different from the final product. However, it is important that you take this prototype
seriously, as it can help us better understand your vision early on.
By now you should have seen the
gameplay modeling
lecture and have a better idea about what we are looking for. The key to making a good
nondigital prototype is finding the right mechanics to capture. It needs to capture some
central feature of your gameplay, even if it does not get everything. So we want you to
go back to the lecture on mechanics
and think about how to approach this prototype.
Identify a Core Mechanic
Look over your
concept document
and identify what you think is the most important mechanic. It should be something
so important that you showed it off in the gameplay sketch and mentioned it in the
features. Remember that a mechanic is a combination of actions, interactions, and
rules to produce a particular effect.
For example, stomping on a Goomba is a mechanic. For this mechanic, we need two actions:
jumping and moving (left-right). We need the interaction of collisions. Finally, we need
the rule that colliding with a Goomba from the top eliminates that Goomba. All of these
fit together to create the mechanic of stomping. While the programmer thinks of these as
different pieces, the player often thinks of this as a single action.
When coming up with your action, you must place it in the context of a challenge. This
challenge must be something the player can fail if they do not put the pieces (actions,
interactions, and rules) together correctly. Why does Mario want to stomp on a Goomba?
In this case it may be because they are in the way and there are too many of them to jump
over. Stomping allows Mario a safe way to traverse. If he misses a collision from the
top, he fails to remove the Goomba and is now in danger.
Ignore any features of your game that are not part of this core mechanic. In the Mario
example, we are not worried about coins, power-ups, turtles, or any other gameplay elements.
Focus on exactly what you need and no more.
Create a Variant Mechanic
Once you have your core mechanic, build upon it. We do not want a completely new mechanic.
We want the mechanic (or a variant of it) from the previous step used to address a completely
different challenge. While you may add new actions, interactions, or rules to the previous
step, many of the features of the core mechanics should be there.
For example, let us return to the mechanic of stomping on a Goomba. Now suppose our
challenge is for Mario to jump up to a high platform. To address this, we add an
interaction that hitting a Goomba from the top causes Mario to bounce higher than
he can jump. Now stomping on a Goomba acts like a trampoline and Mario can use it
to reach the high platform.
Due: Saturday, January 18th at 11:59 pm
There is nothing to turn in for the nondigital prototype activity. We will see your
work in the presentations next week. However, we do want you to turn in your revision
to your concept document.
This revision will not have a separate submission in CMS. Instead, we will grant everyone
an extension on the previous submission entry. You will submit here instead. We will
then update your grade and feedback with the new submission.