CS/INFO 3152: Introduction to Computer Game Development

Playtest 4
Beta Playtest

Due: Not Turned In

Today's playtesting session is for your alpha release. This session will be slightly more structured than the prototype follow-ups, in that you are expected to bring a test plan and script to the workshop. We want you to get into the mood for user testing, since your game is hopefully in a stage where you can start getting feedback.


In preparation for this workshop, you should write a 5-10 minute test plan. We do not want an in-depth user study experiement. All we want is a script that outlines what the person manning your game station should be doing. This plan should include the following elements:

  • Your artifacts (what are you testing?)
  • A welcome script (what do you say to the player?)_
  • A task or two (what should the player do?)
  • A few of questions to ask of the player

To help you in writing your material, you should remember the lecture from last week. In addition, you might want to look at the following online material:

Testing The Design With Users
This is a chapter from an online text about the basic principals of user testing
Cognitive Walkthrough
This wikipedia entry describes a basic tenant of user testing.

That is all that there is to this lab. We are not expecting formal questionairres or rigorous data collection.


Due: Not Turned In

We would like for your to turn in your test plans so that we can look at them. You should upload your test plan as a text file to CMS. With that said, we are not going to grade the test plan. We just want to see how you are doing.

In addition, we will spend the next class (Friday) as a critique on level design. You do not need to bring your test plan, but you do need to bring your computers again. We will pair you with a team that played your game in discussion.