Note (9/10/2005): we have added template files. You will extend them to create your solutions |
Instructions: This problem set has three parts. You will submit a total of six separate files: part1.sml , part2.sml , part3a.sml, part3b.sml, part3c.sml, and part3d.txt. Modify the .sml template files from We will autograde your homework, so do not modify the .sig files, and do not rename or change the signatures of the variables or functions that we provide. The autograder will directly access these name bindings. Do not modify, as it will not be submitted. Make sure that your code compiles under CM with the provided before submitting! To compile the code with CM, change to the directory containing your PS2 files, start SML, and evaluate
CM.make();Non-compiling code will receive an automatic zero. All your files should have your name, netID, and your section in a comment at the top. Do NOT compress the files into a zip file. You must submit each file individually using CMS.
A) To learn the Hindu number system (also known as the Arabic number system for some inexplicable reason), the Emperor roMuLus wants to write a function that converts integers in this system to Roman numerals. Write a function
intToRoman : int -> RomanNumberthat converts integers between 1 and 999 to their Roman equivalents. Roman numbers should be elements of the following datatype:
datatype RomanDigit = I | V | X | L | C | D | M datatype RomanNumber = Empty | Cons of RomanDigit * RomanNumber
The following chart shows how integers are written as Roman numerals.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ones I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX tens X XX XXX XL L LX LXX LXXX XC hundreds C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC CM
To convert an int (say 435) into a Roman numeral, translate the hundreds digit (CD), then the tens digit (XXX) and then the ones digit (V), and then concatenate all of them to obtain CDXXXV.
B) Emperor roMuLus has an Indian counterpart Emperor kaMaL who is learning Roman numerals. Help him by writing a function
romanToInt: RomanNumber -> intthat performs the conversion from RomanNumbers to int.
C) Write a function:
romanToString: RomanNumber -> stringwhich returns a readable string representation of a Roman number.
datatype RomanDigit = I | V | X | L | C | D | M datatype RomanNumber = Empty | Cons of RomanDigit * RomanNumber
intToRoman : int -> RomanNumber romanToInt : RomanNumber -> int romanToString : RomanNumber -> string
perms: int -> int list listthat takes an integer n as a parameter, and returns a list containing all permutations of the integers between 1 and n. Each permutation is represented as a list of integers. For example,
perms(2) = [[1,2],[2,1]]The order in which permutations are stored is irrelevant. Help eMiL by writing his code for him. Start by writing a function
insertAt: int * int * (int list) -> int listA call insertAt(e,p,l) should insert an integer e at a position p in a list l.
Use this function to produce new permutations from existing smaller permutations. For instance, to produce all permutations for n = 3, you can extend the permutations of 2 by adding 3 at every available position:
perms(3) = [[1,2,3], [1,3,2], [3,1,2], (* extending [1,2] *) [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,2,1]] (* extending [2,1] *)
insertAt : int * int * (int list) -> int list perms : int -> int list list
A new Major League team called aMeLie is about to be formed. The team's owner, Mike Lewis, is looking for good players from other major league teams. To choose these players, he has given each player a priority, which is an integer value that determines how valuable that player is. A priority of 1 means that the player is most valuable. Help Mike by implementing priority queues in three different ways.
A priority queue is a data structure that stores records of type elem shown below. The field value is a string that specifies the last name of the player, while the field key is the priority of the player.
type elem = {key: int, value: string};For instance an element {key = 1, value = "Galarraga"} can be used to denote a player named Andres Galarraga, and associate him with the highest priority. To compare the priority of two elements, you can use the following function:
fun elemLT (e1: elem, e2: elem): bool = let val {key = k1, value = _ } = e1 val {key = k2, value = _ } = e2 in (k1 < k2) end;
Priority queues support two main operations: insert and findMin. Insert adds a new element (with an associated priority) into the structure. FindMin returns the element in the set with highest priority (minimum key value). Whenever findMin is applied on an empty priority queue, the operation must raise an exception:
exception NoElements;
We have divided this part in four subproblems. First you will study three different implementations of priority queues: using sorted lists, binary trees as heaps and binomial heaps. Finally we will ask you to compare your solutions and give insights about your experience.
type Slist = elem list;We want you to implement two functions: insert and findMin. The function insert takes an element and a priority queue (as a sorted list) and returns a list with the element inserted in the appropriate position. The input and returned list must be sorted. The function findMin simply takes a priority queue and returns a pair. The first component of the pair is the element in the queue with lowest key value (min). The second component of the pair is the queue produced when removing the min element.
insert: elem * Slist -> Slist findMin: Slist -> (elem * Slist)
2 2 / \ / \ 3 7 8 7 / \ / \ 6 15 6 15The tree on the left is a heap, but the tree on the right is not (since 6 is less than 8).
To implement this data structure, we will use the following datatypes:
datatype Btree = Nil | E of elem * Btree * Btree; type PQTree = Btree * int;A Btree can be either empty (Nil), or a node (E(x,l,r)), where x is the element stored in the node, l and r are the left and right subtrees respectively.
The int in type PQTree stores the number of elements in the Btree.
Inserting and removing an element in the tree has two challenges: keeping the tree balanced, and maintaining the heap property.
Inserting a new element will add a new node to the tree. The position of the new node is deduced from the number of elements in the tree.
For instance, in the example below, the tree has 5 nodes, a new element should be inserted as a left child of the node n3.
(n1) / \ (n2) (n3) / \ (n4) (n5)Given the number of elements n, we use the binary representation of n+1 to describe the path from the root to the position of the new node. In our example, n+1 = 6, which in binary is 110. We ignore the first digit, and set 1 = Right, 0 = Left. Thus, the path to the first available position is RL, which is precisely the left child of the node n3.
A similar process is done when removing an element. To maintain the tree complete, we must remove the last node. The binary representation of n describes the path to the last node. When the value being removed is not stored in the last node, we need to rearrange the values in the tree.
Consider the example below. We inserted a new element in the tree, with value 1. The position to insert a new node is determined as before. Then, we compare the value (1) against the parent node (7), and exchanged the values since (1<7). We repeat the process until the heap property is restored.
2 2 1 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 3 7 => 3 1 => 3 2 / \ / / \ / / \ / 9 15 1 9 15 7 9 15 7You might find easier to decide to insert a value directly in some node, and move the value stored in that node to a different position. For instance, we can see the example above as inserting 1 directly in the root node, and moving 2 to the right subtree. We then placed 2 in the root of the subtree and then inserted 7 in the left subtree.
The findMin operation needs to return the minimum value, which we know is stored in the root node. The process of removing the root consists of the following steps:
insert: elem * PQTree -> PQTree findMin: PQTree -> (elem * PQTree)
Binomial heaps are collections of binomial trees. A binomial tree is an ordered tree (based on key values), and is defined recursively. Binomial trees are not binary trees - a node can have more than two children! Given a size parameter k, the structure of a binomial tree is specified unambiguously; we refer to any binomial tree with this structure as being a Bk tree. Thus two instances of Bk trees are identical in structure, but they do not necessarily contain the same keys.
There are no empty binomial trees. Tree B0 consists of a single node. Binomial tree Bk+1 consists of two instances of binomial tree Bk linked so that the root of one instance is the leftmost child of the root of the other instance. Graphically,
The directions of the edges linking nodes to their children do not matter; what matters is the number and the order of the children. Each node of a binomial tree has a key that is smaller than the key of any of its descendants. By convention, we will refer to the leftmost child of a node as being the first child of the respective node.
A binomial heap consists of an array of binomial trees. We say that a binomial tree Bk has rank k. There is at most one binomial tree of the same rank in the binomial heap. It is possible for a binomial heap to contain no trees, i.e. to be empty. A binomial heap containing a total of n nodes will contain exactly m binomial trees, where m is the number of digits 1 in the base-2 representation of n. In addition, the heap will contain a tree of rank r for all values r that are the exponents of 2 that correspond to digits 1 in the binary expansion of m. For example, if a heap contains 11 nodes (1011 in binary), then the heap will contain an instance each of B0, B1, and B3.
We now provide SML definitions for binomial trees and heaps:
datatype BinomialT = HE of elem * BinomialT list; datatype 'a Maybe = Zero | One of 'a; type Bheap = (BinomialT Maybe) list;
We note that the datatype constructor HE is not necessary, we could use only a pair of type elem * BinomialT list. The reason for this is that we don't have empty binomial trees. We chose to use a datatype constructor to make the various constructs more easily recognizable. The leftmost child of a node is the first in the list of its children. The heap type presents an encoding of an array using lists. If the ith element of a list is Zero, means the array is empty at the position i. Otherwise, when the ith element of the list is One(bt), means the position i of the array holds a binomial tree (bt) which must be an instance of Bi. For instance, a valid heap would be a list: [One(B0), One(B1) , Zero, One(B3)].
We want you to implement the operations insert and findMin for binomial heaps. Inserting an element consist of adding a binomial B0, and then recursively normalize the heap structure to maintain that there is at most one binomial tree for each rank. This can be done by merging binomials of the same rank into a binomial of the next rank. For example, the following diagrams show how the insertion happens step by step:
Step | |
Input | |
Adding new elem | |
Normalizing | |
After normalization |
findMin needs to look for the minimum element (which is the root of one of the binomial trees), and removing the element. The removal will separate the children of that binomial tree into smaller binomials. A normalization of the structure may also be necessary. For example, in the picture below suppose the min element is the root of B2. The findMin operation would change the binomial heap as follows:
Step | |
Input | |
Removing element | |
After normalization |
insert: elem * Bheap -> Bheap findMin: Bheap -> (elem * Bheap)