In the previous lecture we saw functors for the first time. Today we will see more examples of them. Recall that a functor is a module that is parameterized on other modules. Functors allow us to create a module whose implementation depends on the implementation of one or several other modules, the argument(s) of the functor. Among other uses, functors allow us to define several modules with small differences. This is done without any code duplication, by making the argument module implement those differences.
A map is a data abstraction that binds keys to values. We define a functor taking two arguments: the first argument is an implementation of the keys, and the second argument is an implementation of the values. The key implementation is required to support an equality comparison. There are no requirements placed on the value implementation.
Many implementations of maps are possible. Here we use one of the simplest: association lists, which are lists of pairs, where each pair contains a (key,value) binding.
Here is an example of how to use our map abstraction.
Once you understand this map abstraction, you're ready to understand the map abstraction provided by OCaml's standard library. Here's the documentation for version 4.01.0: Note the following differences with respect to our abstraction:
'a t
The 'a
there is essentially our value
You're also ready to understand the set abstraction provided by OCaml's standard library. Here's the documentation for version 4.01.0:
You should study both the Set and Map abstractions provided by OCaml to make sure you have a good understanding of functors. We suggest writing some code of your own to experiment with them!
functor that takes a ring module as argument and creates a module for handling polynomials in that ring. This example was inspired by this page, and slightly modified.
We first define module types for a ring and a polynomial:
module type RING = sig type t val zero : t val one : t val plus : t -> t -> t val mult : t -> t -> t val equal : t -> t -> bool val print : t -> unit end module type POLYNOMIAL = sig type c (* type of numbers used in the polynomial *) type t (* type of the polynomials *) val zero : t val one : t val monom : c -> int -> t val plus : t -> t -> t val mult : t -> t -> t val equal : t -> t -> bool val print : t -> unit val eval : t -> c -> c endNow we can implement the
functor. In the following implementation, we implement polynomials using lists of (coefficient,power) pair, ordered by power; no coefficient shall be 0, and no power shall repeat. For example, the only valid implementation of 3*x^2+5 would be [(3,2);(5,0)].
module MakePolynomial (A : RING) : POLYNOMIAL with type c=A.t = struct type c = A.t type monom = (c * int) (* a monom is a pair (coefficient,power) *) type t = monom list (* a polynomial of type t is a list of monoms, where powers are all different and ordered, and where coefficients are all non-zero *) let zero = [] let one = [, 0] let rec equal p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with | [],[] -> true | (a1, k1)::q1, (a2, k2)::q2 -> k1 = k2 && A.equal a1 a2 && equal q1 q2 | _ -> false let monom a k = if k < 0 then failwith "fail monom: negative power" else if A.equal a then [] else [(a,k)] let rec plus p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with (x1, k1)::r1, ((x2, k2)::r2) -> if k1 < k2 then (x1, k1):: (plus r1 p2) else if k1 = k2 then let x = x1 x2 in if A.equal x then plus r1 r2 (* in some rings, like Z/2Z, x=0 can happen *) else ( x1 x2, k1):: (plus r1 r2) else (x2, k2):: (plus p1 r2) | [], _ -> p2 | _ , [] -> p1 let rec times (a, k) p = (* auxiliary function, multiplies p by aX^k *) (* supposes a <> 0 *) match p with | [] -> [] | (a1, k1)::q -> let a2 = A.mult a a1 in if A.equal a2 (* in some rings, like Z/2Z, a2=0 can happen *) then times (a,k) q else (a2, k + k1) :: times (a,k) q let mult p = List.fold_left (fun r m -> plus r (times m p)) zero let print p = print_string "("; let b = List.fold_left (fun acc (a,k) -> (* acc is false only for the first monom printed *) if acc then print_string "+"; A.print a; print_string "X^"; print_int k; true ) false p in if (not b) then (A.print; print_string ")" let rec pow c k = match k with (* auxiliary function for eval *) (* given c and k, calculates c^k *) 0 -> | 1 -> c | k -> let l = pow c (k/2) in let l2 = A.mult l l in if k mod 2 = 0 then l2 else A.mult c l2 let eval p c = match List.rev p with [] -> | (h::t) -> let (* supposes k >= l. *) dmeu (a, k) (b, l) = (A.mult (pow c (k-l)) a) b, l in let a, k = List.fold_left dmeu h t in A.mult (pow c k) a endNow we can create two examples with ints, and bools:
module IntRing = struct type t=int let zero=0 let one=1 let plus a b=a+b let mult a b=a*b let equal a b=(a=b) let print=print_int end module BoolRing = struct type t=bool let zero=false let one=true let plus a b=a || b let mult a b=a && b let equal a b=(a=b) let print a=if a then print_string "true" else print_string "false" end module IntPolynomial=MakePolynomial(IntRing) module BoolPolynomial=MakePolynomial(BoolRing)Here are examples of using the module IntPolynomial:
# open IntPolynomial;; # let a=monom 5 4;; val a : IntPolynomial.t = <abstr> # print a;; (5X^4)- : unit = () # let b=monom 1 8;; val b : IntPolynomial.t = <abstr> # print b;; (1X^8)- : unit = () # print (plus a b);; (5X^4+1X^8)- : unit = () # print (mult a b);; (5X^12)- : unit = ()Finally, we can see that any set of polynomials on a variable X is itself a ring! By creating a polynomial type on that new ring, we get the polynomials in two variables, say X and Y:
module IntPolynomial2Vars=MakePolynomial(IntPolynomial)