(>>=) [Async.Std] | >>= is used to chain blocking functions together.
(>>|) [Async.Std] | >>| is similar to >>= , but it is used for non-blocking functions.
A | |
after [Async.Std] |
a deferred that becomes determined after the given amount of time
all [Async.Std.Deferred] | all ts returns a deferred that becomes determined when every t in ts is
any [Async.Std.Deferred] | any ts returns a deferred that is fulfilled when any of the underlying
deferreds is fulfilled
B | |
both [Async.Std.Deferred] | both t1 t2 becomes determined after both t1 and t2 become determined.
C | |
combine [Combiner.Make] |
Function for grouping output from the mappers by key
connect [Async.Std.Tcp] |
Create a connection to the given address.
create [AQueue] |
Create a new queue
create [Async.Std.Pipe] |
Creates a new pipe, and returns the reader and writer ends.
create [Async.Std.Ivar] |
Create a new unfilled
D | |
don't_wait_for [Async.Std] |
a convenience function for ignoring a deferred value
E | |
every [Async.Std] | every t f schedules f to be executed every t seconds.
F | |
file_contents [Async.Std.Reader] | file_contents filename returns the string with the full contents of the
file_lines [Async.Std.Reader] | file_lines filename returns a list of the lines in the named file.
fill [Async.Std.Ivar] |
Fill the given
Ivar.t .
fill_if_empty [Async.Std.Ivar] |
Fill the given
Ivar.t .
filter [Async.Std.Deferred.List] | |
find [Async.Std.Deferred.List] | |
fold [Async.Std.Deferred.List] | |
G | |
get_app [MapReduce] | |
get_job [MapReduce] | |
I | |
init [Worker] |
Start the worker server.
init [RemoteController] |
set up the map reduce controller to connect the the provided worker addresses
is_empty [Async.Std.Ivar] |
Return true if the
Ivar.t is empty.
is_full [Async.Std.Ivar] |
Return true if the
Ivar.t is full.
iter [Async.Std.Deferred.List] | |
L | |
list_apps [MapReduce] | |
list_jobs [MapReduce] | |
M | |
main [MapReduce.EntryPoint] |
the entry point of an app
map [MapReduce.Job] |
perform the map phase.
map [Async.Std.Deferred.List] | |
map_reduce [MapReduce.Controller] |
Execute that map and reduce phase of Job on the given list of inputs.
N | |
name [MapReduce.App] |
a unique name for the app
name [MapReduce.Job] |
a unique name for the job
never [Async.Std] |
a deferred that is never determined
P | |
pop [AQueue] |
Wait until an element becomes available, and then return it.
printf [Async.Std] |
This function is an Async-friendly version of
Printf.printf ,
which is very useful for debugging.
push [AQueue] |
Add an element to the queue.
R | |
read [Async.Std.Pipe] |
Reads data from the reader end of the pipe.
read [Async.Std.Ivar] | read iv returns the Deferred.t associated with iv .
read_line [Async.Std.Reader] |
reads a single line from the given input stream.
receive [Protocol.Marshalable] | receive and send receive and send messages.
reduce [MapReduce.Job] |
perform the reduce phase.
register_app [MapReduce] | |
register_job [MapReduce] | |
return [Async.Std] | return is used to create a Deferred.t that is immediately determined
with the provided value.
run [Worker.Make] |
Handle all of the requests for a single connection.
S | |
send [Protocol.Marshalable] | |
shutdown [Async.Std.Socket] |
Close one or both ends of a socket
T | |
to_host_and_port [Async.Std.Tcp] |
Interprets a string and int as a network host and port that can be
connected to.
try_with [Async.Std] | try_with f runs the blocking function f , and returns Core.Std.Ok x if
f () returns x .
W | |
with_timeout [Async.Std] | with_timeout t x will become determined with `Result v if x becomes
determined with v within the timespan t .
write [Async.Std.Pipe] |
Writes data into the writer end of a pipe.
write_line [Async.Std.Writer] |
Writes a line of text to the given output stream.