Index of types

aexpr [Ast]
The aexpr type is the result of type inference.
apattern [Ast]
The apattern type is used to represent patterns that have additional type annotations.

binary_op [Ast]
The binary_op type is an enumeration of all the valid binary operators in the 3110Caml operators.

constant [Ast]
Constants are the simplest types of expressions in 3110Caml.
constr [Ast]
constrs represent type constraints during unification.

definition [Ast]
The definition type is used for let expressions that are input into the toplevel REPL loop.
directive [Ast]
Directives are the commands that are available to the user during a REPL session.

environment [Ast]
The environment type represents our mapping from identifiers to types.
expr [Ast]
This type encodes all of the valid expressions in 3110Caml.

id [Ast]
The id type is an alias for the built-in OCaml string type.

pattern [Ast]
The pattern specifies the valid set of patterns that can occur within a match expression in the 3110Caml language.

stream [Streams]
The 'a stream type is used to represent infinite sequences with elements of type 'a.
substitution [Ast]
substitution is our representation for substitutions used during unification.

toplevel_input [Ast]
toplevel_input represents all of the entry points into the interpreter.
typ [Ast]
typ is our internal representation of valid 3110Caml types.

unary_op [Ast]
The unary_op type outlines the valid unary operators in the 3110Caml language.

value [Ast]
These are the set of possible output values for 3110Caml expressions.