Index of exceptions

CircularDefinition [Exceptions]
CircularDefinition exceptions are used to indicate that the inferred type of an expression is circular.

InexhaustiveMatch [Exceptions]
The InexhaustiveMatch exception should be thrown when the user does not input enough patterns to match the given input value in the match case.

ParseError [Exceptions]
ParseErrors are thrown when the user enters syntactically malformed expression.

RuntimeError [Exceptions]
RuntimeErrors are thrown when something goes wrong internal to the interpreter.

TypeError [Exceptions]
TypeErrors get thrown during semantic analysis when the types of the input expressions do not match up correctly.

UnboundVariable [Exceptions]
UnboundVariable exceptions are thrown during evaluation when a variable that has no binding in the current environment is accessed.
UndefinedValue [Exceptions]
UndefinedValue exceptions are used to indicate that an expression has evaluated to the internal value VUndef.
UnificationError [Exceptions]
UnificationErrors are thrown during type unification when the user has input an expression whose annotated counterpart generated unsatisfiable constraints.