You are not allowed to use side effects in this problem set.
Last Modified: February 27, 2013, 3:54pm
Version: 4
reference. You don't have to implement it. size
in the Splay HeapOne of the nice things about functional programming languages is the ease of reasoning about the programs we write. Some languages such as Coq have type systems and semantics powerful enough to essentially encode correctness proofs in the mere fact that a program compiles! Unfortunately, OCaml isn't quite there , but the goal of this exercise is to help give meaning to the age-old CS 3110 expression "If your code compiles, it probably works".
The substitution model of computation gives us a valuable fomalization and framework to start proving the correctness of programs. Our main proof technique will be induction. Induction is one of most fundamental and useful tools in proving statements about software. These exercises are meant to give you an idea of how widely applicable the induction principle is and to get you comfortable with reasoning about the correctness of your code. In each of the following exercises you should
type 'a list = Cons of 'a * 'a list | ZardozWrite a function
map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
that behaves in an analogous manner to
prove that your program is correct.
type tree = Node of int * tree * tree | LeafWrite a function
sum : tree -> int
that adds all of the
integers contained in a Node
element in the
(Hint: For the proof, consider what happens when you reach
a Node
element in the tree traversal. What can
you say about the number of subproblems left to solve? How can
you use this to show that the program must terminate? Show
that at termination, the program returns the correct
value. This is a basic example of
We consider a special type of polyomino called a
tromino. We will try to cover a 2^n x 2^n board
with trominoes. The type abstractions will be given to you in
the file
. Here is a visual
representation of what each tromino orientation looks like:
Observe that the normal definition of valid cannot be satisfied by just these L-shaped trominos (the n = 1 case is a simple counterexample). We will need to modify our definition of valid. In this special case, a tiling is said to be valid if every square but the upper-left corner is covered.
Your task is as follows:
find_tiling : int ->
that finds a valid tiling in a 2^n x
2^n board.
We have provided you with a bash script to visualize the tiling if you want. Use the following to run it:
$ ./
To submit:, proofs.pdf.
*Using Windows? You'll want MiKTEX.
Until now, when working with data structures such as lists or
trees, the underlying implementation of the data type was visible
to us. For example, in Part 1 of this problem set we could
reference the Node
elements of
the list
and tree
data types,
respectively. However, in practice, it is often not a great idea
to let a client of a library reference the underlying
representation. If the client code depends on the implementation
of the libraries, then a change in the external library would
break all of the client code! We can remedy this situation by
using the module abstraction.
So what is a module? In essence, its an organized collection of
more primitive objects that we have been working with the whole
semester: types and functions involving those types. In OCaml,
there is a distinction between a module
a module type
. A module type
is similar
to an interface that you may be familiar with in object oriented
programming: it is a description of the types and functions that
the module will allow client code to see, and consequently every
module of that module type satisfies this description.
We will want a general object that implements
the HEAP
signature. In essence, rather than passing a
comparison function, we simply note that we could easily create
from anything that admits a comparison
(a totally
ordered type). In essence, we can parameterize
the HEAP
module by any module that implements
. The way to do this in functional
programming is via the functor abstraction. We can
illustrate the idea via an analogy with parameterized data types
that we have already seen. We know how to do
type 'a thing = Thing of 'a | Otherthing of 'a | ...What this syntax says is "You give me an
and I can
get you an 'a thing
". The module analog is a functor
module myB : B = functor (myA : A -> struct (implementation of module type B's signature) endWhich gives the message "You give me a module implementing the
signature, and I'll give you a module that implements
the B
signature". More information about module can
be found in
the trusty
CS 3110 lecture notes.
You will be building a data structure that implements a basic
version of
the HEAP
signature that we have provided for you
. The goal is to do this very generally
using a functor that takes any ORDERED
module type,
and outputs a heap. In essence, you will be implementing a module
, also provided
. The internal type that we will be using
to implement the HEAP
will be
a Splay Tree
because it is well suited to implementing this signature.
The main idea with a splay tree is that of using tree rotations to "splay" and element to the top of the heap after each lookup operation, this makes repeated lookup queries run very quickly. The amortized performance of the Splay Tree is blazingly fast, and will make for a good heap implementation. More information on the Splay Tree can be found in the trusty CS 3110 lecture notes
We will go over the basic types of rotations that you will have to
do during the splay operation. The first is the zig
operation. This operation takes place only when the node we are
splaying is adjacent to the root. The rotation looks as follows:
Next, we consider
the zig-zig operation, which happens when we traverse two
edges in the same direction during the search. For example, if we
traverse two "left" edges in the tree in a row, we will do a
zig-zig operation. It looks as follows:
Finally, there is
the zig-zag operation, which is done when we traverse edges
in two different direction, like "left" child and then the "right"
child. The rotation goes as follows:
An outline of the signature that we are going for is the following:
module type HEAP = sig exception Empty_Heap module M : ORDERED type t val create : unit -> t val empty : t val is_empty : t -> bool val insert : M.t -> t -> t val merge : t -> t -> t val find_min : t -> M.t val delete_min : t -> t endYour implementation of the functor needs to take in an
type and use the functions therein to
implement all of the functions above. More specifically, you will
have to implement the following signature
module type HEAPFUNCTOR = functor (Elem : ORDERED) -> sig exception Empty_Heap module M : sig type t = Elem.t val eq : t -> t -> bool val lt : t -> t -> bool val leq : t -> t -> bool end type t val create : unit -> t val empty : t val is_empty : t -> bool val insert : M.t -> t -> t val merge : t -> t -> t val find_min : t -> M.t val delete_min : t -> t endWe can break down the task as follows:
type t
), which must be a Splay Tree.bin_heap
which implements
the Binomial Heap data type and
the HEAP
signature provided. You can use this to
model your own solution.
To do: Turn in the solution in the file
UPDATE: Here are the recommended (amortized) runtimes of the SplayHeap operations. Note that these runtimes will not be strictly enforced in the sense that as long as your solution does not time out in the test harness, it will be considered valid. This implies that all but the very slowest possible solutions will be ok. However, these runtimes are strongly preferred, and probably the most natural solutions to all of these problems.
Function | Complexity |
create | O(1) |
is_empty | O(1) |
insert | O(log n) |
merge | O(n) |
find_min | O(log n) |
delete_min | O(log n) |
Several algorithms, including compression algorithms and string matching algorithms, make use of maps where the keys are sequences of values of a certain type. A trie or prefix tree is an efficient data structure for implementing the map ADT for this kind of map. The set of elements from which key sequences are built is called the alphabet of the trie.
A trie is a tree structure whose edges are labeled with the elements of the alphabet. Each node can have up to N children, where N is the size of the alphabet. Each node corresponds to the sequence of elements traversed on the path from the root to that node. The map binds a sequence s to a value v by storing the value v in the node corresponding to s. The advantage of this scheme is that it efficiently represents common prefixes, and lookups or inserts are achieved using quick searches starting from the root.
Suppose we want to build a map from lists of integers to strings. In this case, edges are labeled with integers, and strings are stored in (some of) the nodes. Here is an example:
The above trie describes the map {[2;
3]->"zardoz", [2; 3; 2]->"cow", [5; 4]->"test", [5;
. The values are stored in the
nodes. Note that not all nodes have values. For instance, the
node that corresponds to the list [5]
has no
value. Hence,
is not in the map.
A cursor is a data structure that points to a specific node in a trie. It is useful to define a cursor pointing into a trie when performing lookups on lists of integers in order to advance through the trie number by number.
In this part you will implement tries that map lists of
integers (int list
) to values of arbitrary types
). We have provided you the following:
Interface specifications. Before
you begin implementing the trie data structure, you
should read over the type and representation of data
in the signature TRIE
Representation. We have given you a representaion that will help simplify the implementation of the functions below. Briefly inspect the functions below to understand the representation and how it can be applied to implement the desired functions.
Trie operations. Implement
the empty
value, representing an empty trie,
and the
functions put
, get
, size
The put
function adds a new mapping to a
Trie. If the value to be inserted is associated with a key
list that is already bound to another value, then the code
should replace this mapping by binding the key to the new
value. The function get
returns the value
bound to the given key list in the trie. If the key does
not exist in the trie, or if it exists in the trie but is
not bound to any value, then an
exception NotFound
must be raised. Finally,
the function size
returns the number of
mappings being stored in the map (note that this is not
the same as the number of nodes).
val empty: 'a trie val put: 'a trie -> int list -> 'a -> 'a trie val get: 'a trie -> int list -> 'a val size: 'a trie -> int
Cursor support. Next, define an appropriate type to describe a cursor for a trie structure. Make sure the type contains enough information to support the cursor operations defined below.
type 'a cursor = (* your implementation here *)
Implement the following functions:
val cursor: 'a trie -> int list -> 'a cursor val advance: 'a cursor -> int -> 'a cursor option val getc: 'a cursor -> 'a option
The function cursor
returns a cursor
positioned at the node that corresponds to the int
list given as an argument. If the list doesn't exist
in the trie, the exception NotFound
raised. The function advance
moves the
cursor one position down the tree, following the edge
that corresponds to the integer passed as an
argument. This function returns None
no such edge exists. The function getc
yields the value stored at the node that the cursor
points to.
To do: Turn in the solution in the files
T9 is a technology used on many mobile phones to make typing text messages easier. The idea is simple - each number of the phone's keypad corresponds to 3-4 letters of the alphabet. To type a word like "TEST", you type the keys 8-3-7-8 corresponding to these letters. The phone then searches an internal dictionary for any possible words of the form {TUV}-{DEF}-{PQRS}-{TUV}, of which "TEST" is the most common (or only) word. Most phones use additional intelligence to improve performance of this basic algorithm. For example, many phones will notice when you type in a word that is not in its dictionary, and will add that word. Others keep track of the frequency of certain words and favor those words over other words that have the same sequence of keypresses.
Your task in this problem set is to implement a basic T9 algorithm. It will be particularly imporant in this exercise to choose data-structures that are well-suited to the following features that we are asking you to implement.
This T9 algorithm will have a word count associated with each of the words in its internal dictionary. When words are suggested, words that are used more often are suggested before rarer words that may fit the entered keystrokes, but are less common. Likewise, when a candidate word is selected, this internal word count must be increased.
The T9 module also behaves much like a state machine. At any point in
time, it will have processed a certain set of keystrokes. If a new
keystroke is entered by calling enter_digit
, the returned
T9 object should have its internal state updated to reflect this.
Likewise, when suggest_next_word
is called, the returned
object should keep track of this fact and suggest a different word
when this function is called a second time on the new T9 object.
In the file
you will need to implement the following functions:
(* update t9 w adds w to the T9 object if it does not exist, or increments * the count by one if it does. *) val update_word : t9 -> string -> t9 (* enter_digit t9 n attempts to return a T9 object in a new state, with * the digit n typed. If no words can be formed after adding this new digit, * the input T9 object should be returned unchanged. *) val enter_digit : t9 -> int -> t9 (* suggest_next_word t9 returns the next candidate word for completion at the * current state of the input T9 word set, as well as a T9 object with the * state updated to reflect this. *) val suggest_next_word : t9 -> string option * t9 (* choose_word t9 confirms the selection of the current word, incrementing * the frequency count and restarting the selection process *) val choose_word : t9 -> t9
The specifications for these functions is given in the included .mli file, which you should not modify. We have provided an appropriate type for the T9 object. Be sure to think about about how to implement all of the above functionality given our choice of data structure, before you write too much code.
We will also provide you a file dictionary.txt
contains all of the words we want you to search for. We have also
provided the file
in which the dictionary
is read into a new T9 object.
The file I/O has been provided for you, but you should review how this works in OCaml. A nice tutorial on reading and writing files can be found here. You can also check out the OCaml documentation here. All of the provided files can be found on CMS.
Good luck and get started early! Please use Piazza or come to office hours if you have any questions.
To do:
Turn in the solution in the file
UPDATE: Here are some additional clarifications that may remove any ambiguity in the specification:
does not need to be
implemented, however you may find it useful in
implementing update_word
. All that this function does
is enter each digit in the code into the trie. This function will
not be graded
and there are no
suggestions left, raise an error.
should return the word most recently
suggested by suggest_word
let a = update_word empty "duck duck dual";; let a = enter_digit a 3;; let a = enter_digit a 8;; let a = enter_digit a 2;; let a = enter_digit a 5;; let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;; (* Some "duck" *) let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;; (* Some "dual" *) let a = update_word empty "hello";; let a = lookup_code a (convert_to_nums "hello");; let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;; (* Some "hello" *) let a = update_word a "dual";; let a = update_word a "duck";; let a = update_word a "duck";; let a = update_word a "duck";; let a = update_word a "dual";; (* [("duck", 3); ("dual", 2)] *) let a2 = enter_digit a 3;; let a2 = enter_digit a2 8;; let a2 = enter_digit a2 2;; let a2 = enter_digit a2 5;; suggest_next_word a2;; (* Some "duck" *) let a = lookup_code a (convert_to_nums "eval");; let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;; (* Some "duck"*) let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;;(* Some "dual"*) let a = choose_word a;; let a = lookup_code a (convert_to_nums "EVAL");; let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;; (* Some "dual" *) let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;;(* Some "duck" *) let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;;(* Some "dual" *) let a = choose_word a;; let a = lookup_code a (convert_to_nums "dubl");; let (w,a) = suggest_next_word a;; (* Some "dual" *) let a = choose_word a;; let a = enter_digit a 3;; suggest_next_word a;; (* None *)
As usual, we highly recommend that you build your code to make sure that it will compile in our test harness. In parts 2 and 3 we have provided build scripts for you to use to compile your code without worrying about the dependencies. In order to build your code in *NIX just type
sh build.shAlternatively, you may change the permissions to the file using chmod and run the build script as an executable.
chmod +x ./build.shIn Windows, open a Command Prompt and type